Your UNTAPPED Life...

Your reality is direct reflection of your current beliefs.

When your beliefs are rock solid around your body, you effortlessly maintain your dream body with ease, no matter what.

When you shift how you feel and what you believe about money- you’ll never have an issue paying your bills again.

When you know and believe in the love that is available to you, it will come in so much faster than you ever dreamed possible.

If you don’t release the beliefs that aren’t serving you - your life is going to stay the same.

If you want to easily and effortlessly have everything you desire, you need to get your beliefs on board.

We are updating and reprogramming your belief system inside UNTAPPED: the total package of manifestation, mindset, and success principles combined with powerful neuroscience and the brain and body reprogramming powerhouse; tapping. 

UNTAPPED is an experience where you will bring a specific manifestation into your reality using my formula of reprogramming your mind + body to align precisely with your desire. 

I've studied every single aspect and concept behind manifestation and distilled it down into a process that encompasses what WORKS. We will use science backed methods to ensure you are getting replicable results- again and again.

You can utilize the UNTAPPED process to manifest exactly what you want, on repeat, with confidence. 

What You'll Find Inside UNTAPPED:


EFT & Manifestation

The science behind the effectiveness of EFT and manifestation. 

  • Learn exactly how to get the most out your tapping sessions and clear limiting beliefs and old thought patterns that do not serve you
  • Learn the Gold Standard Clinical EFT Method, Faster EFT, + Tara's spin on EFT!
  • The most important manifestation step that you haven't been practicing and will change everything

You'll finish this module with a firm background on EFT, how it works in the brain, how to start applying it in your life & the most effective methods of manifestation and how to combine it all together for results! 


Imagine & Intention

Get clear on what you are manifesting as you move throughout the course.

  • The physics behind intention and how our brain influences matter so you feel powerful AF
  • Gain clarity through meditation and learn how to set goals that come to fruition
  • Neuroscience behind intention and how your intentions come true.

You’ll finish this course module knowing exactly what you want and feeling incredibly powerful + unstoppable as you move towards it. 


Beliefs & Blocks

Clear any beliefs and blocks that are holding your manifestation from you. 

  • Dive deep into subconscious blocks, uncover thoughts that have been holding you back without you knowing it
  • Get clarity on exactly what's getting in the way of achieving your specific manifestation
  • Learn about tailenders and how they are stopping you in your tracks!

You’ll finish this module knowing exactly what's been holding you back and ready to clear it all and let it go. 


Release & Rewire

Time to change your brain, and clear anything that's been getting in the way with my three step process that will change your automatic thoughts on a deep level. 

  • Take your limiting beliefs, blocks and anything that's been keeping you stuck and transform them into brand new ways of being 
  • Change your brain quickly and permanently to make success easy 
  • Feel incredibly unstoppable, light, and ready for your manifestations to flow in!

You’ll finish this module free from limitations, and ready and open to transition towards everything you've been dreaming of. 


Visualize & Vibe

The incredible power of visualization and how to take your practice next level for results. 

  • Learn the science behind visualization and vibration, shifting your frequency to attract what you want
  • Learn the most powerful practices to shift vibration and immediately see things change in your reality + apply tapping to your visualizing for next level changes
  • Utilize the guided visualization and powerful binaural beats to change your vibration and see amazing things start occurring in your reality 

You’ll finish this module knowing exactly how to utilize visualization and energy work to see results, and learn my exact method that has created results time and time again- many times in just ONE visualization session!


Notice the Nudges

Tapping into your intuition so you know exactly what steps to take next that will lead you straight to everything you want. 

  • Meditation and journaling practices to connect you with your intuitive guidance and next steps 
  • Feel completely in tune with what you need to do next, and know you are being guided always 
  • Utilize tapping to open up the portal to your intuition and feel connected to something so much bigger.

You’ll finish this module feeling deeply in tune with your intuition, always knowing your next steps from moment to moment to reach your goals, and feel held + amazed at how supported and guided you are. 



Your results are coming not from what you do, but who you are. 

  • Life changing meditation and guided experience to take you over the threshold to your new way of being. 
  • Automatically show up as the person who already has what you desire (compliments of tapping!)
  • Easily take the actions, adopt the behaviours and fully BECOME your next level self and  allow everything to flood in as a result. 

You’ll finish this module as a new person who has transcended everything holding them back. You will have become the person who has everything you desire and therefore holds and keeps it easily and effortlessly. 


The Untapped Library

The absolute cherry on top- your 28 video library of tapping sessions to rewire your brain for success in the area's of...

  • Dream Body & Health
  • Money, Wealth & Business
  • Soulmate Love & Friendships
  • Happiness, Purpose + Fulfillment 

Utilize this library of video's whenever you need a boost, or simply prefer to be guided and absorb the mindset of success for each of these categories. This video library will be slowly updated over August + September as I cater it to the UNTAPPED Group chat! 

This is just the beginning...

Along with these incredible modules + insane tapping library you will also receive...

UNTAPPED JOURNAL: Your companion along the entire process where you work the steps with your goal and complete 30 days of the UNTAPPED morning routine to see it all come true! (PDF Format)

UNTAPPED AUDIO'S: Guided meditations, visualizations, hypnosis, and audio experiences to take your mind + vibration into the ultimate frequency to match your desires.

UNTAPPED PRACTICES: Because everyone is different, I've provided a variety of different methods and practices to shift your vibration & practice the teachings and ensure you are seeing the most incredible results for YOU!

-Alignment Check:
How to know if you are actually lined up and the manifestation is in progress.
-Beliefs + Expectations:
Adjusting your beliefs and expectations in order to see faster and more specific results.
-Love Yourself:
When you love yourself fully, you are magnetic to everything you want. Learn how to apply this and go through a tapping meditation to change your brain around loving yourself- so you can swiftly enter into overflow vibes in all areas of life.

Hey there!

I'm Tara Brunet Mindset

After discovering manifestation, I've used the principles again and again to create my dream life- with a lot of trial and error along the way!

I went from a broke, single, waitress living in a body I hated, feeling completely out of control in my life- to my dream business, marriage, income, life filled with freedom, my dream body, and so much more. 

Now I've taken everything I've learned over the past 10+ years of studying & experimenting and distilled it into an incredible practice that will lead you into anything you want in this lifetime.

It's my mission to give people the tools and processes to create their most amazing dream lives and live a life full of happiness and purpose.

It's time to tap into your next level life!

"Tara explains it better than any of the many books or podcasts I've come across. This is truly what she is meant to do, and the only thing you're doing by not signing up is MISSING OUT! I not only changed my mindset through this course, but this stuff actually WORKS. Thousands of extra dollars came my way, a really exciting opportunity fell into my lap (that I didn't even know existed before), and hey, I even got back into journaling, reading, and meditating, something I hadn't done since before kids. Thank you, Tara! This has been a game changer.

- Kelsey Cadger 
(MM Participant)

"Her positivity is contagious and inspiring and totally influenced me to take actions that I've been procrastinating on towards the goals I want to achieve with my career, mindset around body-live/self-esteem and also taking the next steps towards my dream career of being a self-made coach that can work from anywhere in the world. These are big goals for me and she totally helped me overcome my limiting beliefs with the tools she shared in her course."

- Kehla G 
(MM Participant)

"I’ve purchased a number of products from different coaches and the thing is, all of them can tell you the same information about manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Manifestation isn’t a secret, but finding the right person to guide you on your journey can make a huge difference.

It’s cool to drive your dream car or have a designer closet (and you can 100% have those things!) But what originally drew me to Tara is that she is living proof that it is possible to manifest things that money can’t buy. She has manifested weight loss, her soulmate, and her best friend to name a few!

Tara is an all around wonderful person. She gives you all of the tools to create the best version of yourself and offers her guidance along the way. She is there for you and wants to see you succeed!

- Marcy

The speed at which you call in what you want, is determined by your ability to shift quickly.

When you know how to shift your energy - your manifestations happen on super-speed.

You slow yourself down when you get caught in negative thought patterns that are not in aligned with what you want.

The faster you release the thoughts that aren’t serving you and exchange them for ones that do- the faster you’ll see your life transform.

Your dream body without dieting or strict workout routines.

Your dream business with total freedom and creativity.

Your dream partnership with love and fairytale vibes.

It’s all easily available when you learn how to shift your energy to allow in what you want.

Learn how to shift quickly inside UNTAPPED- where we use tapping and my specific daily alignment routine to make sure you are on the super highway to your manifestations and seeing the results you desire!


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