
I am a Manifestation Expert & Course Creator- here to guide you into your next level life.Ā 

You can have, do, and be absolutely ANYTHING you want... with the correct mindset.Ā 

I will teach you, step by step, how to use manifestation and mindset to intentionally create your dream reality.

Anything is possible. You are worthy of massive abundance, success, and a life you are completely obsess
ed with- and I am here to show you how.Ā 

Whatever it is you desire to bring into your life: the body and confidence you've always dreamed of, the partner that you feel 100% safe with, the thriving business doing what you love- it's all made possible through the application of specific principles that I have mastered!Ā 

You can master them and see incredible results too- Let's get started!

Get My Free Manifestation Accelerator


Everything you need to create the exact results you want, over and over again.Ā 

Manifest your dream body, call in your soulmate love, blow up your bank account, start the dream business- I've got you covered!



My signature 10 Week Course that will guide you towards total food freedom AND a body you absolutely love, by blending intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles. Join the revolution!



For those that want it all!
Everything I've ever created, and everything I ever WILL create in the future. 

Automatic access to it all- forever!


Access on any device!

You can download the Kajabi app, and easily access all courses, meditations, videos, and content across any device. Keep everything in one place and with the "Mark Complete" feature, you can stay on top of your goals and progress! 


This is just the BEST membership!! Once signed up you'll be thanking Tara for having this available to you. It's worth way more than the money you pay. The Daily Mindset Design is incredible. That course alone is worth the money given how much amazing content is in that. Tara puts so much time and love into it. Then you have all the other incredible content and courses! You won't be disappointed for signing up you'll just be disappointed you didn't do it sooner!


There is so much content in this membership it’s unreal! The Daily Mindset Design each month is amazing and I feel like a totally different person to when I first signed up - I feel so happy and abundant. The workbooks are gorgeous, the layout is brilliant and so easy to use and Tara just keeps adding more amazing content! There is content for so many different topics so you can really tune into what you are wanting to focus on which is perfect. This is seriously worth more than what Tara is charging. Give it a go for one month and I can guarantee you’ll stick around.


I am in love with the Tara Brunet Mindset Membership! I am on the membership site every single day, whether it’s for the guided meditations, a workout, a course, or the amazing monthly mindset designs that offer a new challenge and learning opportunity every single month. I have access to every resource I could possibly need to do my mindset work every day, and it’s all served up on a gorgeous, easy to use website that instantly raises my vibe as soon as I log on! I’m so grateful for this membership, thank you thank you!


Tara's Manifesting Dream Body course is amazing!
Her knowledge on the subject is incredible. I felt guided and supported throughout the entire program, and I know that will continue well beyond the eight weeks.

I learnt so much about myself and have numerous tools from the program to work with moving forward.

Everything she teaches rang true for me and I am forever grateful for the work she is doing. I feel like a better version of myself has come from working with Tara, and it's just beginning!


I feel so much better. 
Food wise, I am not obsessing anymore.

I'm dropping weight at a speed like it's unbelievable- I don't really understand how.

I've come to a place where I don't hate my body anymore, and I am able to look at myself in the mirror and think I look great. 

I'm losing so much weight that my jeans are falling off!
I'm enjoying life, dealing with food is so much easier since I don't restrict myself anymore! I eat anything, stop when I'm full and life has been good!

I wanted to thank you so much because I feel so blessed to have met you through Facebook and Instagram. I think you are a great great person and you are doing really great out there. 


I feel so much lighter and free right now. I feel ready to let go, trust and step into the version of myself that I have always dreamed of.

At the beginning of this course, it was about losing weight. Today, it is about loving and accepting myself in any shape or form, something I never thought possible.

ā€‹Tara... Cannot thank you enough. Beyond grateful for you and your support and for creating this safe space. What an amazing journey. I have never been so excited to keep going and continue in this new and better version of myself.


I have been immersed in the self help field for quite a while, so I was worried Tara wouldn’t have any new information for me to grow from since my emotional toolbox is already well stocked. I could NOT have been more delightfully mistaken.

Every time I feel blocked and stuck, Tara finds ways to challenge me so that I release the negativity that’s choke-holding me. She has helped up-level my mindset, my priorities, and my self love beyond what I thought possible.

Her Manifesting Dream Body Course was EXACTLY what I needed. I have altered my mindset around food in a short amount of time. I now have a healthy relationship with food and my body and my health has greatly been improving and I’m becoming the person I dream of being.

So is Tara for you?

Do you want to be able to eat without anxiety? (A thing I wasn’t even truly conscious I did every time I put something in my mouth)

Do you want to love yourself where you are at while allowing yourself to grow and receive everything you want?

Do you want someone who is actively (maybe obsessively šŸ˜‰) learning to better help their clients and who is genuinely invested in your success?

Do you want more health and confidence?

Then you neeeeeed Tara.


I remember the morning I found Tara’s work. I had been on a crazy shakes & fasting diet in the summer, lost a bunch of weight, got stressed with a cross-country move and gained it all back in literally a week. I was moving to Texas, trapped in a UHaul, eating fast food on the road, feeling super guilty and packing on the pounds! I remember being anxious for the entire ride, and going to bed in a motel in Louisiana the last leg of the trip, asking the Universe to free me. 

I KNEW there had to be a way to manifest weight off, keep it off, and be able to enjoy foods. I asked myself what would I tell myself if I was living and teaching as that person, if only the Universe could guide me. I needed a teacher.

That morning, I saw a post from Tara in the Manifestation Babes Facebook group about her weight loss. I found her instagram, website, and Manifesting Dream Body Course and knew this was the exact answer I needed! I immediately signed up for Manifesting Dream Body, and it was the best thing I ever did!

The first few weeks were a rollercoaster of a journey. Bouts of motivation then downs where I felt I anxious and like I couldn’t change.

Bri (continued)

This is where Tara’s coaching changed my life! Being able to have someone to voice my blocks too and help me realize that they were just some bad habits and beliefs I was holding on to, shifted my life. She also encouraged me to start living the life I wanted - beyond just my weight - and I’ve started working toward my dream career! MDB is so much more than just a “diet” course, it is full transformation!

I have a completely different relationship with food, working out and myself - and I lost over 20lbs! I work out less, and eat whatever I want. Now I enjoy seeing my reflection and getting dressed - and have stopped having my first thoughts every morning be about how much I hate my body! Tara opened my eyes that all the things I was jealous of and wanting were a possibility that could exist for me once I made loving myself a priority. I no longer stress and obsess about my next meals and workouts, and I am able to finally have freedom! I can appreciate my beauty and listen to my hunger and energy levels for the first time. 

I would recommend MDB to anyone! The Facebook group is a great community and always encouraging.  Tara is like a soul sister, she is always there for us and her journey is so real and relatable. The meditations and workbook I still go through when I feel like I need to, and I loved that I can go at my own pace. I knew all this deep in me for years and couldn’t get it to manifest, since I was holding on to so many emotions and beliefs that didn’t serve me, until I committed to MDB.


"I'll admit, I was skeptical when I signed up for Manifest Monday's. I didn't think I'd have the time or energy to commit to it with two little kids, but I was happily mistaken. It is wonderfully laid out, easy to understand, broken down into small, manageable steps, and Tara explains it better than any of the many books or podcasts I've come across. This is truly what she is meant to do, and the only thing you're doing by not signing up is MISSING OUT! I not only changed my mindset through this course, but this stuff actually WORKS. Thousands of extra dollars came my way, a really exciting opportunity fell into my lap (that I didn't even know existed before), and hey, I even got back into journaling, reading, and meditating, something I hadn't done since before kids. Thank you, Tara! This has been a game changer.


I actually feel blessed to have had a hard year last year because it landed me in Tara's gym where I started a total transformation of my life. It was camouflaged as working out my body but it became apparent quickly that Tara was blessed with an ability to show me where my thoughts were holding me back from being the best version of myself. Manifest Monday's has been eye-opening to say the least. It's changed my daily practice astronomically from always worrying and having negative or false thoughts to living with a happier mindset and positive high vibe thoughts. I've seen things happen that seem like miracles in a few short weeks. Tara's my fave high vibe connection.


First off, Tara Brunet is fantastic. Her ambition and authenticity is what gives her this radiant edge where she has the ability to connect with others and empower them to elevate their vibe and create the health/fitness/life they truly want for themselves.

Through doing her Manifest Mondays course it inspired me to continue doing this work of manifesting/Law of attraction/meditation/journaling and shifting my mindset for the rest of my life.

Her positivity is contagious and inspiring and totally influenced me to take actions that I've been procrastinating on towards the goals I want to achieve with my career, mindset around body-live/self-esteem and also taking the next steps towards my dream career of being a self-made coach that can work from anywhere in the world. These are big goals for me and she totally helped me overcome my limiting beliefs with the tools she shared in her course.

"I LOVE Taraā€™s contentā€”love it! I was so excited when she decided to create a membership platform. Iā€™ve purchased a number of products from different coaches and the thing is, all of them can tell you the same information about manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Manifestation isnā€™t a secret, but finding the right person to guide you on your journey can make a huge difference. Itā€™s cool to drive your dream car or have a designer closet (and you can 100% have those things!) But what originally drew me to Tara is that she is living proof that it is possible to manifest things that money canā€™t buy. She has manifested weight loss, her soulmate, and her best friend to name a few! With the membership, you get the tools to make your own daily practice: daily mindset design, meditations, workouts which have been SUPER while gyms are still closed here in NYC, and access to the Facebook group (where Tara posts and comments all of the time) with regular livestreams, plus tons more! Tara is an all around wonderful person. She gives you all of the tools to create the best version of yourself and offers her guidance along the way. She is there for you and wants to see you succeed!"


About Me...

I discovered the Secret 6 years ago, and became completely obsessed with applying law of attraction and creating my dream life.Ā 

I went from...
a broke waitress who hated her job, 35lbs overweight with a crippling binge eating disorder, anxiety ridden, alone with zero self worth, and would spend days hiding from the world watching Netflix.

To a...
Multiple 6-Figure Entrepreneur doing exactly what I love, healed completely from binge eating and living in my dream bodyĀ (no dieting required), living in my waterfront dream home with my soulmateĀ husband who I intentionally manifested, met, and got engaged to within 2 weeks.

Manifestation Works.
My processes WORK quickly & effectively.
My Vision Boards have all come true. I know how to get results through shifting your mindset, and I believe it is my purpose in life to teach as many people as possible that they can consciously create their dream life.Ā 


Get the most effective manifestation techniques and formula to create your dream life!

Get my secrets to accelerating your manifestations and seeing results ASAP!