Discipline = Freedom

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2021


This may sound contrary to a lot of things you typically hear me talk about, but hear me out!

When we begin anything (intuitive eating, a workout routine, a business) there is a period of ‘becoming’ before the ‘being’ comes naturally.

Today, I work out most days because it’s part of my identity, and I naturally eat intuitively as if it’s been that way my whole life.

But of course it wasn’t always that way! 

This is where discipline comes in.

If we can implement discipline at the beginning to get us through the hardest part (starting) we can naturally become someone who “just does” whatever it is.

I had to REALLY commit to Intuitive Eating. I read all the books, I took time to eat without any distractions, I did my homework, I journaled, I meditated, I faced my feelings, I binge ate and then examined why I binge ate, I went to counselling, I read more books, I ate with my left hand, I stocked my house up with ‘junk foods’, I journaled while I ate and noticed my thoughts, I talked out loud to myself like a crazy person every time I reached for food and asked myself “Am I hungry?” “What do I actually need right now?”. I learned to honour my cravings, I changed my judgmental thoughts- I was disciplined in my journey to become an intuitive eater.

And through that discipline, it become second nature- and now eating intuitively is just what I do.

 It's who I am!

It’s the same with absolutely anything. It’s absolutely possible to create a life of effortless results in any area- but you need to put in the work to become that person if it’s not where you naturally are today.

You can be ANYONE. You can develop traits and qualities you admire. You can be someone who works out daily, someone who eats intuitively, a confident thriving business owner, a patient mother. I was a completely different person in my 20's. I was terrified to even be alone with someone for fear of being unable to make conversation- and now I talk with people I don't know 1-1 all the time (and it's my favourite thing!). 

All you need to do, to create this new version of you - is put in the mindset work to get there.

Try a Daily Mindset Design inside the Membership- daily mindset work to keep you on track, motivated and MOVING towards what you desire. Get a Week Free here!

It will keep you accountable, keep you going, and keep you disciplined. It’s up to YOU to do the work- but we are creating a community of like-minded individuals working towards something that expands them.

Who are you becoming?

Set the intention, get clear- and take the action every single day (we will give you many different options to create your daily mindset routine) and BECOME your new identity - this is the fastest way to manifest your dream life!! 

See you on the inside- let's do this! 

Love, T 


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!