Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

Hello Everyone! 

Welcome to your beginners guide to Manifestation!

I've got a freebie to kick your journey off, 10 a day Manifestation Journaling Challenge! Just enter your e-mail and get each day e-mailed to you, so you can start your manifestation journey off on the right foot! Okay, let's dive in: 

These are the things I WISH I knew when I first started diving into the world of manifestation. Knowing these first would have saved me so much time and wasted energy in my practice! 


When you first start diving into Law of Attraction, you'll hear lots about changing your thoughts, using affirmations, and how thoughts become things. This is true, but more accurately and specifically, your FEELINGS become things. 

If you start saying "I'm a millionaire", you are effectively changing your thoughts- but if you instantly feel like a fraud, or feel disappointed that you are actually broke, or feel totally overwhelmed at how far away that is.... What you are actually manifesting is more: feeling like a fraud, disappointment, and overwhelm. NOT the feelings we want to feel when manifesting millions! 

So, no matter what manifestation hacks you try (because there are TONS) I want you to know that it's all about how you FEEL as a result of them. That's why there are so many different practices that work for different people (just like ways of eating for people and their dream bodies!). It's about how it makes you FEEL. 

So if scripting gets you in a total vibe, script away! But if it brings up resistance and makes you feel like a fake- it's not for you. 

Place everything you do through the "feeling filter"- how does this make me feel? If it's helping you feel uplifted, then it's something you should definitely continue! (Also note that, depending on the day and our moods- sometimes what typically works for us, doesn't if we are in a lot of resistance. I scan script on a good day, but if I'm in a grumpy mood scripting is just going to make me more annoyed) so all the more reason to really focus on your FEELINGS first! 


When you feel happy, grateful, excited, in love, attract more:
-thoughts that capitalize on those emotions
-feelings that compound those emotions
-circumstances/experiences that bring you more of those emotions
-people that allow you to feel those emotions more deeply
-physical things that in the having of them, line up with those emotions. 

So, your main goal always with manifesting- is to raise your emotional intelligence and access higher states of emotion! 

This is NOT a toxic positivity thing- but rather, a learn to embrace and work through your emotions type thing. If you are trying to ignore or brush over negative emotions- you aren't GENUINELY raising your frequency. You'll still feel that underlying anxiety, dread, sadness - which isn't getting you anywhere. What you resist, persists! So manifesting is really a lot about learning how to regulate your emotions and nervous system through things like meditation, movement, journaling, feeling the feelings.... And from there moving up into better feeling thoughts! 

The biggest piece of advice that I can give you if you are just starting out on your manifesting journey is let go of the specifics. Manifesting specifics is all ego, and it actually cuts us off from WAY better things coming into our reality! This take a lot of trust, because as humans we want to control the outcomes. We don't believe that there could be something better than what we desire out there and available to us. If you could instead of just focus on feeling like the happiest, most thriving and elevated version of you- you will see literal magic happen in your life (so much better than you could have ever predicted). Make way for miracles, by letting go of specifics and focussing on the overall emotions. 

The reason you want anything- is because of the feeling you think you are going to have when you have it! So focus on finding that feeling- and you will get the thing you desire, plus so much more I guarantee it! 


The more you practice holding an elevated emotion- the easier it becomes. Luckily for us, there is Law of Attraction in action all the time- so when we practice feeling love for example, (this is how I manifested my soulmate love story and was engaged two weeks after meeting him!) we activate LOA to starting bringing in more loving thoughts, emotions, circumstances and experiences right away, which feels into us feeling MORE love, which builds all this momentum- and before you know it, you are madly in love with your soulmate.

Basically, you don't have to force yourself there- LOA of build momentum and compound on your emotions. So if you can just make the effort to start- you'll get a significant amount of help from the Universe to keep it rolling! 2 minutes is enough to get the ball rolling- can you hold an elevated emotion in your body for 2 minutes? Try it! 

Multiple times a day, I try to check in and see how I'm feeling, and then see if I can elevate my energy. I do this by just tapping into an expanded feeling in my chest, leaning into appreciation, bringing up the emotion of excitement, feeling love for whatever I can think of. It's a sense of reaching for relief, of satisfaction, of contentment, of appreciation. This is my #1 manifesting hack! 


If you could do only two things in your manifesting journey- visualization, and FEELING the emotions are key. In fact, I have a whole training on this called "The Method" which is my manifestation method broken down into two key things! You can find this 3 Day Video Training inside the Membership (Try 7 Day free trial here!) Find the Method in the "All the Things" Section.

Visualization is such an effective practice to bring up emotions, and to train your subconscious mind. I dive deep into this inside the training, but visualization has the power to rewire your brain, to completely change your body (it's how I lose 35lbs and now maintain my dream body!) and to heal you from the inside out. 

When you visualize- you are bringing forth your desires from the Quantum Field, and experiencing them in the now! Practice visualization by creating a quick Mind Movie of your desires and experiencing the outcome you want, in first person. Get into as much detail as you can, feeling the emotions you'd experience if this was actually happening! See if you can experience sight, smell, taste, touch- and activate all your senses. Continue replaying this visualization until it takes on the tones of reality. When you finish a visualization session, you want to feel different than when you started! Like you truly just experienced it. Try this in a relaxed state- such as first thing in the morning, or as you fall asleep at night for best results in penetrating the subconscious. 

That concludes your starter pack of manifestation! If you really want to dive into ALL the processes, and guidelines, I have so many trainings, workbooks, videos and endless journaling prompts and mindset activities to aid you on your manifesting journey inside The Membership! Try a week free inside, here! 

You can check out the Directory to the Membership and everything that is included, here.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Please don't hesitate to comment if you have any questions or need more direction!

Love, Tara

Ps. If a Membership isn't your thing... Check out The Manifestation Essentials! This is a curated selection of the BEST manifestation content and teachings found inside. For $77 you'll get...

- A Daily Mindset Design that will take you through 30 days of manifestation + mindset processes for 10 minutes a day.
- 5 Meditation/Hypnosis Recordings
- The Expanded Training: My most popular 3 Day Video training teaching you how to elevate your energetic signature.
- Monthly Intentions Masterclass: My monthly intention setting PDF booklet with a masterclass teaching you all about the power behind it!
- Quantum Leap Week: 7 Days of high energy videos + content teaching you how to quantum leap and align with the next level version of you! 


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!