Uncategorized Apr 05, 2021

For more manifestation hacks, awareness prompts and all the journaling- try my free 10 Day Manifestation Journaling Challenge!

Do you realize how truly powerful you are?

Every single thought that passes through your mind- is just a thought.

The only time it has power over you, is when you identify with it.

This means, you accept it as true for you.

What if you thought “I have Green Hair”

Are you emotionally tied to that thought? Or can you simply observe it as a random thought?

Here’s the thing- all thoughts are random. All thoughts are simply subconscious programming that we have either repeatedly thought and then identified as true in order to become a belief.

But, at any moment you can come back to your awareness. You can realize that the only thoughts that are true are the ones you choose to be true. You can use this awareness to recognize which thoughts you are identifying with, and which ones are helpful or hurtful.

Here’s how you know:

Helpful thoughts feel good. They feel expansive, lighter, and create a sense of ease.

Hurtful thoughts do not feel good. They feel constrictive, heavy, and worrisome.

It’s all just words, passing through your awareness. 

Take some time to notice which thoughts feel helpful, and which thoughts feel hurtful.

And from there your only work is to come back to your awareness and observe. Non-judgementally, not identifying with or holding onto any thought.

You always have this power, and this should fill you with a sense of peace that you may have never experienced before. Your awareness is your superpower. Your awareness is who you truly are. You are not your body, or your thoughts- or anything else you identify with. You are true, limitless potential within your awareness. 

If you want to practice this right now- set a timer for 10 minutes and go somewhere quiet. First, become aware of your breath. Once you feel grounded in that- become aware of your thoughts. The aim is not to eliminate thought (that would be impossible) the aim is to OBSERVE the thoughts- with the space of awareness between you and the thought. 

When you are in your awareness- you are not affected by any thought. You'll know if you are back into identifying with thoughts when you start feeling anything aside from utter peace & happiness. Whenever you feel anxious, worried, or in fear- this is a sign you are identifying with, and believing a set of words or phrases that you don't need to. All you need to do is come back to observing without identification. 

Come back to your awareness, come back to your own truth. Choose the helpful, and release the hurtful. 

I’ve created a meditation to help you do just that, you can find it inside The Membership, under all of the Hypnosis & Meditation Recordings!
It's called “Eliminating Self Sabotage”. Because all self sabotage is arising from just that- a thought you are identifying with.

You got this!


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!