The Delayed Feel Good Effect!

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2021

Get clarity on your goals, and start manifesting with ease inside my free, 10 day Manifestation Journaling Challenge!

Ever heard of the marshmallow experiment? It was a study done on delayed gratification and how those who were able to delay gratification had better life outcomes such as increased SAT Scores, lower BMI, and higher educational attainment. 

The researcher brought children in, and placed a marshmallow (or a treat of their preference) in front of them on a plate. They were then told that they could have that treat, or if they waited 15 minutes they could have two. They were then left alone for 15 minutes- to see if they would take the one treat, or wait for two. 

You can see how this works with willpower. Those that are able to delay gratification can see much greater gains later on. Especially when it comes to spending, investing, exercise, food- those that are able to delay the gratification may experience more success long term. 

I resonate with this study, but as someone who very much enjoys being present and is an impulsive Aries- I've had trouble actually applying this... Until now! 

This morning I was journaling on the dream body energy, intuitive eating, and how it all relates to how I view money and spending. And I realized that things need to feel really good, safe, and most importantly, in integrity for us to experience quantum leaps. 

For example: When my current goal is to buy a house, it doesn't feel very good or in integrity for me to spend a few thousand dollars on clothes. I manifest way more money when I'm in integrity with how it's being spent and saved and I feel safe and open. 

When I was on my dream body journey- I fully applied the Intuitive Eating process and at the beginning, I definitely gained weight. I was in the mode of allowing all foods- regardless of how it actually felt. I wasn't actually listening to my body fully, because I was so caught up on running AWAY from diet culture and allowing all foods- that I didn't realize that eating anything and everything all the time doesn't actually feel that good. 

When I got through those beginning stages and started to realize that food wasn't going to be taken away from me and I could relax a bit- I actually started tuning into what genuinely feels good? What makes me feel good now, and later? Sometimes that is a juicy burger and fries, but eating half of it so I still feel like I can move freely and feel energized after. I called this the Feel Good Effect- really checking in and noticing what feels good in the moment (ie: having the food I really crave) but also feels good later? And how can I balance it? Mostly it was a portion control thing, sometimes it was making a different choice. 

That also applied to money- hoarding it and restricting myself didn't feel great in the moment- so it was about checking it with what I truly needed, and what would feel good to spend now, as well as later when my bank account was diminished. This tactic really helped me grow my wealth in the last few moths as opposed to frivolously spending! 

Okay, so here's the realization I had today. What about if it it's uncomfortable to do now, but it feels really good later? Like, handling my accounting, doing a workout when I'm tired, or finishing the work I set out out to do that day? It's like the marshmallow experiment- how do we get through those uncomfortable 15 minutes of waiting, to the reward?

Simply asking yourself "How will this feel in 1-2 hours from now?" when making a decision. Place yourself in the AFTER. After the workout when you feel accomplished and energized. After the task is done and you feel relieved, and productive. After the urge to eat more has passed and you feel satisfied and comfortable. 

Manifestation is always about placing yourself in the energy of having the thing. So using this on a more short term basis of placing yourself in the energy of succeeding in that task- will work wonders. You are already tapping into the feeling of accomplishment, pride, success- which makes the task easier to get through. You are already seeing the ending, which makes it much easier to start. You are already into the feeling of being productive- which will aid in your efficiency + procrastination. 

The trick is, you have to be strict on where you continue to keep your mindset. For example here's where my brain went this morning: 

"It would feel so good to power through the accounting and have that checked off my list!"
- But I don't want to do it right now 
-And I don't know where to start
-Maybe I'll do a workout first..

And so on. And then another hour had passed and I hadn't actually gotten it done! 

So this is where I would also apply my 10 minute rule! Get in the energy of the "after" and then set a timer for JUST 10 MINUTES to work on that task. See if you can hold the energy of being done. Seeing it done in your mind, feeling the feelings of it being done, continuing to hold the vibe and feelings you'd feel if it was already accomplished. 

I guarantee that ten minutes will go by so fast, and you'll keep going. When the timer goes off- CELEBRATE YOURSELF! And come back to the end, feel into it... How will you feel in 1-2 hours? And set another timer for 10 minutes. 

Keep going in this fashion until it's done. 

Continuously placing yourself in the after energy will propel you to your goals in no time! 

If you love mindset shifts and hacks that lead to more productivity and less self sabotage- definitely check out the Membership! I have a whole 30 day challenge on the 10 minute rule, an entire month of Daily Mindset Designs on productivity, livestreams on motivation hacks from navy seals, meditation and hypnosis recordings to help you reduce overwhelm... The list goes on! 

Try a week free inside, here! 

Thanks for reading! <3 

Ps. Check out The Manifestation Essentials! This is a curated selection of the BEST manifestation content and teachings that will change your entire world. For $77 you'll get...

- A Daily Mindset Design that will take you through 30 days of manifestation + mindset processes for 10 minutes a day.
- 5 Meditation/Hypnosis Recordings
- The Expanded Training: My most popular 3 Day Video training teaching you how to elevate your energetic signature.
- Monthly Intentions Masterclass: My monthly intention setting PDF booklet with a masterclass teaching you all about the power behind it!
- Quantum Leap Week: 7 Days of high energy videos + content teaching you how to quantum leap and align with the next level version of you! 


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