Uncategorized Dec 15, 2020

Hello Friends!

It's been a minute since I did a blog post, I went through a little period there of a lot of "procrasti-knitting" (ie: knitting all day) and zero motivation towards work.

Wanna know how I got out of the funk?

I EMBRACED IT. If there is something you feel you are constantly fighting yourself against- whether it's food, exercise, work, etc- I think the easiest way to cut the cycle short is actually to FULL LEAN IN.

What you resist- persists. I've found this to be annoying true again, and again, and again in my life. 

And trust me- I know ALL THE TOOLS. But if you never actually allow what needs to be worked through to actually come up in all it's glory, it's just going to keep coming back.

Think of it this way. When you feel resistance to doing something you "should" do, it's like a knock on the door.

You ignore it and willpower your way through.

Next time, it knocks a little louder. You use all the tools you have, and you power through again.

The knock will continue getting louder, and more frequent- until the door actually get's knocked down- until you truly ADDRESS THE RESISTANCE.


What is resistance? It could be many things. A feeling of uncomfortable emotion, it could be procrastination on tasks, it could be straight up avoidance and overwhelm.

The good news is, the thing on the other side of the door that we aren't opening, is never as scary as we think it is. It's just that when we keep ignoring the knocks, and it keeps getting louder- we start imagining it as this big scary thing that we can't handle. It keeps getting more and more anxiety inducing to go do that thing, the longer we refuse to address the resistance.

This creates a paralyzing loop of inaction that can hold us back indefinitely. 

So, here's what I suggest:

The next time you feel resistance cropping up, you need to just open the door and look at it. Introduce yourself to it. Ask it what it needs. Ask what it's afraid of? Why doesn't it want to do this thing? Why are we avoiding this thing? Make friends with your resistance. 

You'll find, quite quickly, that once the resistance is heard - you can go back on your merry way in alignment with your goals. 

Resistance is never bad- it's simply a signal that there is something there we need to look at. It's another form of a nudge, or an intuitive pull. 

In the Manifestation process- we sent intentions. And half the time the steps towards allowing that into your reality will be intuitive nudges of things you feel excited about, and want to do. And the other half, will be resistance that crops up that needs to be addressed in order for you to move forward to allow that manifestation in. 


So- set that intention, get excited. Follow the nudges, and then take just as much notice towards whatever resistance comes up. It's simply more clues!

Grab your journal, let it in, get curious, ask questions. 

The faster you can do this, the faster you will be able to move back into alignment and feel that flow again. 

Don't be afraid to shine a light on your fears- this is where all your power resides in the manifestation process.

The more you practice this, the easier it gets. So get excited when you hear a knock on the door, because this is a way forward! 

Let me know if this helps you to see your resistance in a new way. Allow it to be more neutral, and get curious! 

PS. For the most expansive collection of journaling prompts and everything you need to design your dream life, check out the Membership here!



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