Uncategorized Oct 21, 2021

So you've been doing a deep dive into manifestation and recognize that everything you desire is available to you, but now you feel completely overwhelmed at where to begin.

Ps. If you enjoy these prompts- try out my free, 10 day Manifestation Journaling Challenge! 

This blog post is for you- the step by step action plan to get you on the path your Dream Life... Quantum style. 

Grab your journal, set aside some time, let's start creating! 
Ps. If you want some extra support check out my epic Dream Life Bundle or Membership! 

1.) First all, what the heck do you want? Get clear on what you desire in these main areas (and I've provided my own examples to help you get started). If you have another area that feels important to you- add it in! This is your dream life and you can design it however you want it.

healthy, happy, easy pregnancy
feeling strong in my body
lean and toned with a bump

calm, empowered, incredible birth
beautiful breastfeeding experience

keep working out and feeling great

enjoying becoming a mom and soaking it up
making time for Trev and I to connect
viewing family time positively
staying calm and loving in disagreements
soulmate friendships 

continue growing the membership
take three months off when babe comes
feel passionate and motivated around what I'm teaching
make a huge impact on those that discover my work
80k month
have downpayment for a house!

continue with schedule I've created with lots of open space
2-3 hours of focussed work a day

enjoy the outdoors with Henry and hike daily
get lots of sleep and naps before baby comes
freedom and abundance and flexibility!

own a home
new coach, tv, coffee table
all the baby stuff that we need and want

2.) Next up, in each these area's goals- How can you start thinking/being/acting more like the version of you that already has these things? This is my favourite manifestation hack- stepping into the 2.0 version of me that is already THERE. 

healthy, happy, easy pregnancy - Continue affirming around my healthy happy easy pregnancy and not entertaining outside influences that speak negatively around it
feeling strong in my body -
workout daily doing what I love and enjoying new peloton treadmill!
lean and toned with a bump -
instead of saying "I'm getting fat" really focussing on love and gratitude for my body, and intuitive eating, lots of water, loving my body, pretending and feeling into the "lean and toned" vibes 
calm, empowered, incredible birth - do my hypnobirthing work daily, finish the book, watch positive births on youtube
beautiful breastfeeding experience -
read up on breastfeeding, create affirmations, trust my body, visualize!
keep working out and feeling great 

If your lifestyle is currently completely different than the one you desire- it's time to get creative with your imagination. Pretend everyday is your last at your current job. Start scheduling in and doing the things you imagine yourself doing if you had your own business. Start taking steps, researching what would it would like to make a transition into more freedom. For example: when I was at the gym all day long (3:45am starts!) I wanted nothing more than mornings to myself for coffee and journaling and walking the dog. So I started taking steps towards that by getting someone to take over the morning bootcamps (not all at once, but 1-2x a week) and giving myself more freedom in morning and then slowly went from there. It's all about baby steps! How can you feel into, or take some action towards showing up as someone who has what you want! 

For things like material possessions, I just pretend I'm already living with them. When I'm in the living room currently I'm imagining I'm on our new comfy couch, I'm visualizing how great it would feel to have it all decorated- I'm mostly focussed on the feeling of satisfaction and pride. When I'm having a bath I envision I'm in my huge bathtub in my new home with mountain views, when I'm out and about I'm imagining how good it would feel to be going back home to our dream home that we are totally obsessed with.

It's really about being in the feeling of your desires- the vibration! So when I am working, I'm imagining I'm delivering a livestream to a 1000 people inside of 20. When I create new content, I imagine there are hundreds about to enjoy it inside the Membership. I just play pretend that I'm already a millionaire manifestation teacher with people dying for whatever I put out there next! 

Your imagination is your superpower- utilize it as much as possible! 

3.) Create a vision board! This step isn't essential, but I do find that having a visual reminder of all of your goals is super helpful. All too often we just tend to forget what we are manifesting, or we get distracted and lose focus. The more often we can be in the vibration of our desires the faster these things will come to fruition. For a vision board- find visual representations of your goals that really light you up (I love Pinterest for this!) and then print them out ( is super fast and affordable) and glue them up on a board! Then, place it somewhere you can see it every single day. 

4.) Create a daily alignment practice. This is the biggest thing! Getting in alignment with your goals (ie: feeling good/excited/expectant around them) will have you on a fast track to creating your dream life. This could involve a wide variety of things such as looking at your vision board and visualizing yourself in each photo, it could be journaling, writing out affirmations, meditation. I have SO MANY processes that you can try inside the Membership to add to your routine. The basics behind an alignment practice is this: see your goals clearly, and get into a feel good state around them. 

Sometimes you might just feel generally discouraged and not able to get in the vibe- and that is what this practice is for! That's when I would use the emotional guidance scale journal (check out the Feeling the Frequency Workshop for more on that),  or a basic meditation of releasing thought and welcoming all emotions, or doing some work on clearing limiting beliefs or sabotaging thoughts. It will vary day to day depending on your vibration- there are also so many amazing processes inside the Abraham Hicks month in the DMD inside the Membership for how to do an appreciation rampage, focus wheels, placemat process, and more! 

Within your alignment practice, I would also see if you could write down 1-2 things you could do that day in order to show up as the version of you that already has the things. This doesn't need to be physical action, but it could even be repeating a mantra throughout the day, or dressing as the 2.0 you, or how you want to approach a certain task differently that is already on your list. 

5.) Commit and Schedule it in! Lastly, make a commitment to yourself to side aside time for your alignment practice (either daily, or whenever is achievable for you- it doesn't need to take more that 10 minutes) and to continue being persistent towards your goals. The only time a manifestation doesn't show up- is when we give up on it and or start thinking it's not happening! Commit to showing up at the version of you that already has these things as much as you can in your daily life- and this will have the biggest impact on having things happen quickly. Be dedicated in your pursuit and staying in faith and trust that it is all unfolding perfectly- because it is! 

I cannot wait to hear what you manifest with these practices! 

Love, T


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!