Uncategorized Oct 15, 2021

I've got an incredible workshop coming up that you can access (along with 30 days inside the Membership) for $40! Here's a sneak peak into some of the content we will be diving into October 18-20th. (If you are reading this later, you can still access the workshop anytime inside the Membership). 

Join the Feeling the Frequency 3 Day Workshop!

Want to start journaling? Try my free 10 Day Journaling Manifestation Challenge!

Okay so, what is the Law of Vibration?

The Law of Vibration states that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.

So basically, the speed or rate at which something vibrates is referred to as its frequency. The only difference between one object and another being the rate of its vibration.

This is important because our vibration is primarily based off of how we FEEL. Which of course, can be influenced by a wide variety of things- our thoughts, focus, environment, nutrition, etc. 

When we learn how to fine-tune our frequency- and shift our vibration we can apply this to EVERY area of our life! 


When manifesting- we want to vibrate at the same frequency of our desires; which then activates another universal law, Law of Attraction- and brings our desires into our reality.
The basics behind 'vibrating at the frequency of our desires' is FEEL HOW YOU WOULD FEEL IF IT WAS ALREADY HERE.

The best way to do this is to just imagine (or visualize) that it's here. Feel the emotions of gratitude, excitement, awe, magic, love... Whatever you'd feel if it was actually in your reality now. 

I've used this practice many, many times (for everything I've ever manifested!) 

Paying off my credit card: I felt into relief, excitement, and pride. 
Going full time online: Everyday that I went into the gym, I pretended it was my last day there. I felt the feelings of freedom and having space in my day, relaxation and pleasure. 
My soulmate: You may have heard me talk about this before- but I felt the feelings of love! I loved my cat, I loved myself, I just oozed love as much as possible.
My dream car: Whenever I was driving my old Honda- I was pretending I was driving a jeep. I felt the feelings of pride, success, accomplishment and enjoyment.

You get the gist. It's all about practicing the vibration- and then the trickier part is holding it for extended periods of time which is what I'll be teaching you inside the Feeling the Frequency Workshop! 


Sometimes we can feel a little bit lost. And when we tend to not know what to do next- we really fixate on confusion, uncertainty, powerlessness. Obviously this vibe is NOT what is going to attract you to your next steps! 

You can use the Law of Vibration in two ways here. You can feel into a solution orientated space; ie: recognizing that you WANT to feel certain, powerful and know what to do next. You can practice the vibration of that feeling in order to attract your next steps.

Or, if you can't quite tap into those emotions- follow your highest vibrational activities. What makes you feel so good when you do them? For me- it's always getting outside in nature with Henry (rain or shine), listening to Abraham Hicks or Neville Goddard, crocheting, meditating/napping, or reading! When you are tapped into your vibration and frequency- you can identify what activities & people elevate you, and which ones drain you and choose accordingly!


I think this one is definitely the most important. Our ability to practice emotional intelligence can make  an ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE in our lives! When we are in control of our emotions, we can respond vs. react, we can fine tune our vibration for different results externally, and we can choose to feel differently regardless of what's going on around us. 

Now, this isn't a 'toxic positivity' thing. This is learning to work with your emotions. You can't fake frequency- and just pretending everything is great is not what I'm teaching here. 

I want to teach you how to recognize and work with all emotions. To create space between you and your reactions- so you don't feel like a victim to your environment. To feel the genuine change in your vibration when you intentionally shift your focus. To calm anxiety, and regulate your emotions- as well as follow your own emotional guidance system! 

The more you learn about your vibration and feeling the frequency- the more in control you will be of your emotions.


Have you heard of the study done by Dr. Emoto where he labelled and spoke to water differently, and then rice? Here's a link to mind blowing findings.

This research shows us that the vibration we emit- will change the structure of cells! If you imagine your body, which is 60% water, you can make a significant impact on your cells and overall wellness when you carefully focus your vibration. 

I know this to be true from my own experience- when I started loving and practicing gratitude for my body every single day- that is when it morphed into my dream body! 

Practicing gratitude as also been shown to boost your immunity. These simple shifts in your thoughts and vibration can drastically improve your energy and health!

These are just a few insights into the power of vibration and frequency. I cannot WAIT to dive into this workshop with you over three days and teach you everything I know! 

Come join the Feeling the Frequency Workshop!


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!