Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

Hello friends! This was a request topic, and with the holidays coming and I think it’s so important and brilliant!

This process can be applied to anytime you are feeling lack with money, or in fear. 

Ps. Dive into some incredible money manifesting hacks inside my free 10 Day Journaling Manifestation Challenge!

First of all, I have a TON of money mindset resources and Daily Mindset Designs all centred around improving your relationship with money and manifesting a whole bunch of it; inside the Membership. You can try a week free and stay as long as you need! I would check out the 30 Day Money Manifestation Challenge or the Rich AS F*ck DMD that will totally get you into an excellent energy around money again!

So, I have totally been in a place  in the past where money didn’t feel good. I had EXTREME anxiety around handling money, budgeting money, dealing with it any way shape or form- but then I was always just trying to manifest more of it without dealing with the underlying resistance!  This is never going to work- if you can’t handle or face the money you have- having more of it isn’t going to solve anything unfortunately  - even thought we think it will!

Money (and everything in manifesting) is an identity and energy game.

So you first want to clear on what your identity is with money.

How do you talk about money with your friends/family/those closest to you? This will give you the biggest insight into your true money story- would your closest friends think of you as successful, killing it, and abundant with money? Or would they say you are struggling/ not so abundant?

If you aren’t totally up front with your friends and family with your money story- if you were going to write it all out on a piece of paper the REAL, RAW, HONEST TRUTH about your relationship with money and how it goes for you- what would you say? What is the hard to read, full on reality of how you deal with money, how much money comes in, and how you feel about it?

I know this doesn’t sound fun at all, I promise we will get into the fun stuff as well. 

I avoided doing this for so long, and truthfully I wish I did it sooner! It wasn’t until I was totally honest with all my fears and anxieties around money with myself, that I was able to change the story. So- get it all out- get angry, get sad, feel the frustration, be jealous of others- whatever you need to do to feel it ALL.

Once you get that whole, messy, ugly story out on paper, we are going to start shifting some things.

Now, that process may have even reduced your anxiety just by writing it, or perhaps it brought a lot to the surface and made you feel worse. Either is okay! I find typically, the things we avoid bring up more anxiety through the avoidance than once we actually face them. It’s like a big scary monster until we shine a light on it and then realize it just cast a big shadow but really it’s not that bad!

So, step 1 to clearing anxiety around money is getting real with yourself!

Then,  it’s about changing the story from here.

The past, is the past- even the present is the past. So let go of all the guilt/shame/could have/should have done things differently and take a deep breath and accept that it is what it is, and now you are making steps to feel totally empowered and excited about money!

When we look into identity- how do you want to be around money? How do you WANT to think about it, feel about it, believe about it? How do you want to act when it comes to money?

Get clear on this new identity- and if you need help with identity work I did a whole three day training on this inside the Method that will be soo helpful for you with tons of journaling prompts and a workbook and all the things! (Part of the Membership)

Then we want to star embodying this identity!

Now- here’s where a lot of people go wrong with manifestation and money.

They think- well, my rich identity would just buy the things she needed without a second thought, so I should just do that right?


The BIG distinction is that the rich version of you would buy the things she needed without a second thought- whilst ALSO FEELING TOTALLY SAFE, SECURE AND AT PEACE with her decisions.

So, if you cannot genuinely feel safe, secure and at peace with a purchase- you’ve got some more work to do!

As you do this work to increase your frequency around money- more will naturally flow to you in the process. I don’t want you to think that you need to be perfectly embodying this new identity to manifest large amounts of money. Each little step in the right direction towards feeling better- will decrease resistance and allow more money in. So remember, money is always trying to make it’s way to you- and the more you release resistance the more will show up.

So even just writing out that whole messy money story and getting real with yourself- will be bringing more money to you- if you felt even the smallest sense of relief after it.

So know that this is a journey and you don’t need to be perfect! You simply need to feel SLIGHTLY BETTER than you do now, and more will come. This applies to everything. And the exciting part is, that once you start seeing things shift and you start gaining evidence, you start gaining momentum and it gets easier and easier to do the work, feel better and better- and see bigger and bigger results.

It’s a definite snowball effect. It starts out quite small, but before you know if you have this massive snowball and it just starts rolling on it’s own; picking up speed- that's when you know you’ve truly changed your identity. When your identity is changed- you no longer need to think about it- it just IS. That is what I want for you and money!

So, you’ve gotten clear on the old story and identity around money- and released all the shit that comes with it- and you’ve gotten clear on the new identity and where you are headed.

Now what to do in between, when you still feel lack but need to buy Christmas presents?!

Well, it’s a minute by minute process of shifting your energy around money.

I find the BEST way to make this a daily practice is to get really clear on what the energetic frequency of abundance feels like to you in your body.

The most important thing about this entire process is you have to GENUINELY FEEL IT. You can’t fake frequency. You can’t say affirmations and pretend to feel better when actually you feel like shit.

You aren’t going to get anywhere without GENUINELY caring about and shifting how you FEEL. I teach this in Feeling the Frequency which you can also find inside the Membership!

So, my favourite way to shift how I feel is through a simple meditation. What does MORE THAN ENOUGH MONEY feel like in your body? What are the sensations you experience? Imagine if you had the winning lottery ticket in your hand- millions. Where do you feel it? I feel a sense of expansion, excitement, opening in my chest, releasing of stress and tension, anticipation, joy, gratitude- like jumping up and down and squealing energy.

Practice bringing up this emotion in your body. See how long you can hold it for. (You can make this a fun manifestation energy game).

Here’s the thing... When you can hold this vibration- you are an energetic match for massive amounts of money coming to you. The thing is, we are usually in this energy for like 1% of the day, so we need to tip the scales. We need to get to 51% of the time feeling this energy- to start really seeing it pile up- so this takes some awareness and practice.

If you spend 5 minutes feeling the energy and the rest of the day in total panic and fear- you are manifesting lack/panic/fear- not millions.

Now, I’m not saying you need to be bouncing off the walls with excitement all day long to manifest money.

You know when you manifest something big and it’s SUPER EXCITING at first, and then it just becomes normal? Like I had a huge day in my business the other day and I shocked and so excited to see how much I had made, but I can’t maintain that level of excitement all the time because- it’s in the past. Of course I can feel it and feel gratitude, but you are going to experience the height of the emotion- and then it shifts as it becomes normal.

So if you can practice feeling the HEIGHT of the emotion and the excitement in a meditation once a day, that is fantastic start. And then it’s about feeling into- what if this was normal for me? Like okay, now I do have millions in the bank and this just is how it is.

Funnily enough- we would still have struggles, we would still have worries and fears, we would still have problems. When you make millions- your expenses typically go up. You spend more- it’s all relative. Millionaires still worry about money.

So it’s now how you go throughout your day that still feels the same- but with a little extra pep in your step. A little extra confidence. A little extra security. An inner knowing that you are totally okay.

It’s about maintaining a connection to now, now now- and know that NOW, right NOW, is what you a currently manifesting. So what are you manifesting in this moment? And can you shift to feel slightly better and elevated?

I’ve been really playing around with this lately in terms of elevating my energetic signature- in fact I think that’s going to be my livestream event coming up for January. And you don’t need to get specific about feeling into money - but just in general- feeling like- what is a slightly elevated energy from where I am right now?

For example, as I’m sitting at my laptop typing this out- and I just stopped and thought- what feels elevated? I took a nice deep breath, sunk into my body, let go of my shoulders- and appreciated for a second Rosie curled up on my legs, Trevor out in the kitchen cooking me breakfast, felt some love for the Christmas tree in my office bringing the Christmas spirit- felt into some pride for how good this blog post is going to be, looked around at my surroundings and remembered when this beautiful office was just a blank room and I created it into my safe haven where so much magic is created, and so on. It was a simple shift- where I felt into satisfaction, appreciation,  a letting of the tension that previous there thinking about how much I had on my plate today.

I elevated in my energetic signature in a single moment- and then started attracting differently.

And I didn’t need to specifically DO anything. The more I can remind myself to simply “lift” myself from where I am- the more I am manifesting not just large sums of money, but EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted!

So- in summary… with moving through money anxiety- FACE IT first and foremost. I always tried to skip this step when I bought other manifestation teachers courses and programs and wanted to skip to the feel good stuff- but it always held me back.

Look at your bank accounts, your credit card statements, feel it and release it. Feel empowered around making a plan and facing it all. Write out your messy ugly money story and current identity

And then, LET THAT SHIT GO! It is now in the past, and this moment, from here on out- gets to be different. You get to choose differently, and you get to start seeing different results.

Get clear on who you want to embody around money. Her thoughts, beliefs, actions. And even if you can’t take the exact actions right now- you can absolutely feel into it daily. You can step into her everyday and do your best to embody her- and you won’t be perfect, but you’ll try again tomorrow. And it will get easier and easier. And it will start feeling natural and normal- and you’ll start seeing momentum and results right away even with the smallest shift. 

And then throughout the day- elevate your energy. Try dedicating 5 minutes to really feeling the height of the emotion through visualization etc, and then throughout the day remember that you always have the power to feel slightly better and reach for feelings of relief, appreciation, satisfaction.

I know this doesn’t sound like much- but THIS WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD when you do it consistently. You will see magic and miracles occur. I can tell you this because I’ve practiced this and done this in so many areas and mind blowing things happened.

But always remember- it needs to be genuine. So making that mind body connection is so important, truly feeling the feelings and soaking them up.

When you feel good, capitalize on it and feel into it more and more- elevate it.
When you feel bad, practice acceptance, coming back to the present, and reaching for just a slightly better feeling thought- doesn’t need to be anything crazy- and it will get LOA moving again in the right direction.

So let’s do a real life example. Let’s say you are shopping for Christmas presents and feeling totally overwhelmed around spending, not having enough and your notice your body triggered into a stress response and your thoughts starting to spiral downwards.

Stop what you are doing. Go sit in your car, or in the washroom, or get outside. Whatever you can- get a few moments to yourself.

And sit with it. The fear and resistance can co-exist with you. I was writing some content earlier this morning and I likened it to annoying old aunt- let her spout off whatever her irritating beliefs are around your lifestyle- whilst also recognizing that you don’t need to believe what she believes or do anything she says.

But if you try to ignore her, or get away from her, or fight with her- she just follows you around and gets louder and louder. So you can look her in the eye, tell her you hear her- thank her for that (after all, she's just trying to keep you safe and loves you- just like your subconscious) and move on with your day in peace knowing that you always get to choose what you believe and she doesn’t have to influence your life in anyway- she just wants to be heard and then she will shut up!

So it’s saying- okay fear I see you and it’s okay. I’m choosing differently right now. I’m choosing to feel peace for this moment, when I have exactly what I need. I’m choosing to feel peace for the fact that nobody cares what Christmas gifts I get them, they love ME. I’m choosing to feel satisfaction for the things I do have, like my pets/partner/home etc. I’m choosing to lean into this moment of just quiet. I’m choosing to remember that I am totally safe and okay in this second. I’m choosing to lean into faith and trust that everything is working out for me. I’m choosing to remember that the universe has my back. I’m remembering that I am in the midst of changing this story and things are really turning around for me, and in the meantime all I can do is my best- and my best is getting to a neutral, or feel good place.

And so on. And then, if you feel good/calm/more safe- get back into your Christmas shopping and I can guarantee you’ll end up getting some sort of magic deal on something, finding discounts, or having magical money appear.

Because when you are in fear/panic/stress- you can’t RECEIVE all the different ways the Universe is literally dying to support you. But when you can get yourself to a place of calm/safety/security- you can start receiving the manifestations! (And when they come, make sure you celebrate them!)

I know this seems like a small thing- but your energy is truly EVERYTHING. If we made it our number #1 priority to get into a feel good, more elevated state- everything would fall into place! 

I hope you enjoyed this post today! Please don’t hesitate to message me on IG @tarabrunetmindset for any requests! 

Ps.  Check out The Manifestation Essentials! This is a curated selection of the BEST manifestation content and teachings found inside. For $77 you'll get...

- A Daily Mindset Design that will take you through 30 days of manifestation + mindset processes for 10 minutes a day.
- 5 Meditation/Hypnosis Recordings
- The Expanded Training: My most popular 3 Day Video training teaching you how to elevate your energetic signature.
- Monthly Intentions Masterclass: My monthly intention setting PDF booklet with a masterclass teaching you all about the power behind it!
- Quantum Leap Week: 7 Days of high energy videos + content teaching you how to quantum leap and align with the next level version of you! 


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!