Uncategorized May 05, 2021

One of the best things we can do for ourselves in our self development journey is to obviously set goals and intentions. 

You can do this a number of different ways, and I created a beautiful 13 page PDF that takes you through all of my steps in details, which you can access inside my Membership for free, here. 

But here's a breakdown of how I like to set intentions, using the 4 "C's"

1.) CLARITY: What do you want? Make a list of your biggest, wildest desires that if you could wave a magic wand for them to appear in the next month- this is what you would choose. Don't worry about realistic, just get those creative juices flowing!

2.) CELEBRATE: Fast forward to the end of the month in your mind, and write these things out as if they are done. Get into the feeling. What did you accomplish in the last 4 weeks? What manifestations came into your reality? 

3.) COMMIT: If you were to take ONE action every single day that would move the needle towards these manifestations coming true- what would that action be? I recommend choosing something that can fit into 10 minutes- because I actually DO want you to commit to doing these things day in, and day out for the next 30 days. What is the most effective thing you can commit to?

4.) CLEAN: Clean up your energy around this commitment. What worries do you have around accomplishing this? What roadblocks could get in your way? What doubts do you have in yourself? I want you to make sure there is absolutely nothing standing in the way of your commitment. 

And then- DO IT. Schedule it in. Review your commitment and your vision every single day. Ensure you are always keeping this at the top of your mind- is this action moving me closer to my dream, or pulling me away from it? Get intentional about every action step you take day by day. 

For example, my monthly intention is to explode my Membership- and to get a camper van with my husband so we can travel anywhere, anytime with our three pets. In order to do these things, I'm taking massive action in creating the best content possible for my members. I'm shopping for vans. I'm creating a budget. I'm examining my purchases- is this working towards the van or is this moving me away from it? I'm creating a savings account for it. I'm dreaming of how I would decorate it. I'm IN the vibration of my dream coming true, day in and day out. 

When you take one step, the Universe rushes in to support you, and takes two. How can you best leverage the Universe? What steps can you take right now to make your goals a reality?

Manifestation can be magical, but it takes effort on your end too. But if you can get intentional, and show up daily for your goals- you will be AMAZED at what you can accomplish in just 30 days.

What's your commitment for the next 30 days? I want to hear! Mine is working on my Membership everyday- creating content, talking about it, creating new funnels, making it the platform I dream of! 

I want to hear yours in the comments down below! 

Love, Tara


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