Uncategorized Jul 06, 2021

“Resistance” is a hot topic in the spiritual community, and something we avoid, dislike, and consistently use as a reason to not do something.

Ps. to help you clear out resistance- definitely check out my free 10 day Journaling Manifestation Challenge! 

I definitely took this too far in certain times in my spiritual journey- where I would ONLY do things from inspiration, or when I felt “led to”. This “led” me into a lot of naps, but not a lot of growth.

I’m all for following our inspiration and our intuition- but I also believe in discipline, challenging ourselves, and growth.


How do you think a seed grows from the ground into the plant it becomes? It pushes through the resistance (dirt) in order to break free. If it shied away from resistance- it would stay buried in the ground forever- never having the chance to fully thrive.

We do this to ourselves when we get too scared about a little bit of resistance. Resistance doesn’t mean “avoid at all costs” it means really examining WHY you feel resistant to it, and then either pivoting in a new direction, or doing it anyway and then celebrating yourself for pushing out of your comfort zone. Instead of using  resistance as a way to avoid, use it as a way to GROW- physically and mentally.


Because leaving your comfort zone is inherently laced with resistance- and while we know “getting out of our comfort zone” is a good thing, we tend to forget that it’s going to feel UNCOMFORTABLE.

But there is something even MORE uncomfortable than moving through the resistance. It’s staying buried in the dirt where it’s safe - nothing ever changes, we never get to experience life to the fullest.

Grab your journal and try answering these questions on resistance:

What activities or tasks am I currently resisting?

WHY am I resisting them?

Is there a different way I can do this that is less resistant?

Is the end result ultimately something I want? (If it isn't, then stop trying to make yourself do this task!) 

If it is, then how can I reframe this as a challenge for my own personal growth? 

What is the light at the end of completing this task? What can I look forward to?

These questions should really help you examine your underlying beliefs on resistance, and get clear on what direction you really want to go towards- whilst also helping you stay a bit more motivated for that end result goal! 

For more teachings on overcoming and separating yourself from resistance- I highly recommend the Daily Mindset Design #10- Clicking into Consciousness & the Limitless Trainings. I’ll teach you how to separate from your ego thoughts, tap into who you truly are, and access your ability to do things despite resistance. Also, the 10 minute Transformation challenge is GOLD for those of you that struggle with getting started- this 30 day challenge will literally change your life!

Access everything above inside the Membership for $400 for the entire year, or just $40 the month!

See you on the inside! You got this ;)

Love, T


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!