Uncategorized May 03, 2021

I've always had a really big obsession with productivity. I love feeling like I'm getting things done, and feeling accomplished at the end of the day. 

I recently started reading Chris Bailey's Book "The Productivity Project" and I'm blown away. Not only is the book super engaging and easy to read (as well as funny) - it's packed full of helpful tips and experiments.

If you are interested in learning more- I'm doing an entire 30 days of prompts and experiments inside the Daily Mindset Design based off this amazing book- which you can find inside The Membership ! Try a week FREE and dive in!

I wanted to share with you a few of the tips I've taken away so far that have enhanced my productivity tenfold, and I've only just begun! This is basically a sample of a few days of the Daily Mindset Design. 

1.) High Value Tasks:

Productivity isn't about getting the most amount done in a period of time- it's about being intentional and getting the most important and high value tasks done in a period of time.

When measuring our productivity- we don't want to equate the "amount" of things we get done in a day with success- because then we could be 'productive' all day long getting things done that aren't actually essential or make a difference in our goals. For example, I could be productive if I edited my entire website and fixed up a bunch of workbooks- but that isn't a very high value task that is actually going to make a difference to my business.

I like to think of it as 'What moves the needle forward?" and Chris says the best way to measure productivity is to as yourself a very simple question at the end of each day: Did I get done what I intended to?

You could also intend to have a very relaxing day filled with time with friends and family- and if you accomplish that- you are productive!

Chris divides productivity into three facets that all come together to determine productivity.

Time: How well you are using it, how much you get done in a time frame

Attention: What are you focussed on, how well are you focussing, how easily distracted you are

Energy: Drive, motivation, and overall energy available to you

So- not all tasks are created equal- and it's important to get clear on what your most high value tasks are in your business, job, or life in general.

First, I want you to write down absolutely everything you are responsible for. If you have your own business- everything you are responsible for within your business (so, everything haha) or within your job, or at home.

Make sure you get everything from sending e-mails, to sorting receipts, to creative projects- leave no task off the list!

Secondly, if you could do just one item on that list all day, everyday- what item would you do that would allow you to accomplish the most with the same amount of time? (ie: for me that would be writing because that is where all of my content is coming from and I can put that into blog posts, instagram posts, and the membership). Or put another way, what item on the list is the most valuable to your boss, or you?

Finally, if you could do only two more items on that list all day, what second and third tasks let you accomplish the most in the same amount of time?

These three tasks, are where you are going to get the greatest return on your productivity!

2.) The Rule of Three

So, now you know your most high value tasks- but knowing is just half the battle.

It's all too easy sometimes to start work the next day and open your e-mails and then spend the day responding to things and end up frittering the whole day inadvertently helping someone else finish their most valuable tasks, without looking at yours! 

Here's where the Rule of Three comes in, and it's super simple!

1- At the beginning of each day- mentally fast forward to the end of the day and ask yourself "When the day is over, what three things will I want to have accomplished?"

2- Do the same for the beginning of the week- ie: the three things that week.

Write them down, and make sure they are your top priority and focus for the day and the week ahead!

This may take some adjusting, as at first you may make them too big and they aren't quite achievable, and then perhaps some days they will be too small. Play around with it and don't make yourself wrong either way!

And, if you are feeling extra productive- Chris also recommends adding in three personal things each day and week as well! Personal things should be fun, enjoyable things you are committing to.

3.) Prime Time:

Getting clear on when you have the most energy and work the best is crucial for your productivity.

Some of us are early birds and love getting things checked off our list earlier in the day, and others are night owls and can into total flow in the evenings.

There is a very misguided belief that in order to be successful and productive we need to get up early and work before the rest of the world gets up. This may work great for some people who are naturally early risers- but if you are night owl and try to force yourself up early in the morning - you are working against your natural rhythms and this is ultimately going to end is failure. Don't fight against your own biology!

There is no wrong or right way to be productive- really it's about catering it to YOU so you can be the most effective during your prime times.

So, how do we figure out our prime times? Well, Chris went above and beyond in his book and cut out all sugar & caffeine, and woke up and feel asleep naturally without alarms; whilst tracking his energy levels ever hour for 3 weeks to create a fancy chart of recognizing his most energized times.

For the rest of us, I want you to simply take notice today, and check in every 30 minute to one hour and rate your energy on a scale of 1-10. 10 being AMAZING ON FIRE and 1 being falling asleep at your desk.

If you want to continue the experiment for a few days to get an accurate reading- feel free.

As an addition- take note of when you drink caffeinated beverages and sugar to notice if you are crashing later in the day, or a few hours later.

You may already know your prime times (I know mine is about an hour after waking up for a few hours and then I take a break and come back to it) but this is a fun experiment to really test!

Also, fill out the graph for an excellent visual of your biological prime time!


Track Energy Levels on a scale of 1-10

1-Falling Asleep/Exhausted

10-AMAZING and high energy!

Set an an alarm on your phone to go off every hour, and record in your phone for ease, or feel free to use this guide.

Also note when you had caffeine or sugar to notice how this effects your energy levels hour to hour!





















Then, log your levels inside this graph to see where you are optimally most energized, and see if you can schedule your days accordingly.

4.) Where is your time going?

This tip is something that has skyrocketed me the most, it takes some getting used to at first, but once I got into the flow- it's seriously given me some major insights into where I'm wasting time. 

Set a timer to go off on your phone (I like using my apple watch best) every 30 minutes. 

When the timer goes off, stop and log what you just completed for the last 30 minutes. (I have a notes app in my phone with all the times laid out ahead of time for me to fill in quickly. It takes about 10 seconds to note what you did, and then restart for the next 30 minutes).

Here's my sample so far today:

7-7:30 Up, quick cuddle, fed animals, headed to my office

7:30-8 Crochet (my morning happy place)

9-8:30 Meditation Recording

8:3-9- Meditation Edit/Upload

9-9:30 - Researched and bought some Audible books, TME Schedule

9:30-10- TME Schedule + Intention Setting PDF

10-10:30 Intention PDF

10:30-11- Intention PDF +  Tidy & crystal cleanse

11-11:30-  Journaling

1130-12 Journaling, Planning, Client Check ins, DMD

12-12:30- DMD and E-mail for Membership

12:30-1 Emailed / Drove to dog park

1-1:30 Dog Park!

1:30-2- Stopped at Bosleys and heat up lunch

2-2:30- Ate lunch + Wrote Blog Post

And so on...

I hope you enjoy these tips and for 26 more coming at you inside the DMD- Check out the Membership and come join me for the MOST productive month of your life! 

Love, Tara








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