Uncategorized Jun 09, 2021

 Hello everyone!

So I’ve been reading a book called “Freedom from Food- a Quantum Weight Loss Approach" and there are so many parts that I loved and wanted to break down some of the concepts that really resonated and relate to my Dream Body Work.

PS- I'm hosting a free live event "Dream Body Reset" inside my Manifesting Dream Body group next week which you can find here! 


Regardless of where you are starting... if you have an extra bit of weight or not, your ideal body exists within you. 

Your body is actually your FRIEND, not the enemy- and it's important to remember this! 

The body is designed to maintain it’s perfect proportions- and heal itself.

Think about when you scrape your knee- the body magically goes through the process of bringing your knee right back to normal within a week or so. No matter how many times you scrape your knee- the body will always heal itself like clockwork.

You don’t need to do affirmations for your knee to heal, it will heal automatically.

When you trust your body to do what it’s meant to do - it resolves the things that need attention in it’s own perfect way- and this is the same with weight. When we are overweight - our body is actually aiding us in bringing us back down to a healthy weight by lowering out appetite and increasing our metabolism- yet when we try to use external rules and conditions to create weight loss- we mess with the system. It’s like if we decided how our knee was meant to heal and started picking the scab because we had decided that was the wrong way and we didn't trust our body to heal- we would start the process all over again.

We do this again and again with diets!

In our bodies there is a force (the subconscious mind)  that is constantly pursuing the highest level of health. Since your ideal weight is part of your health, it is the place to which your body will try to return. Your body ceaselessly tries to eliminate anything you ingest that is unneeded or toxic—whether it is excess weight or food.

People who are thin, never question that their body is on their side. They know that all excess food will move right through them and not add extra pounds- and it does.

Trust your bodies natural job of eliminating and bringing you back to a state of equilibrium and balance- especially when you feel overfull. Your body will adjust back to its regular state in the perfect timing.

If you are heavier than you desire- this is a temporary state- your body is always working with you to bring you back to the perfect balance- same with when you eat too much and feel bloated or too full- it’s up to you to choose to believe that you can trust your body to eliminate excess. (And what you believe, is truth).

Your body will take the nourishment it needs from what you ingest, and eliminate the rest. You don’t need to know how this works, you simply need to trust that it does. And changing your beliefs towards this area is what will start to drastically change your body.

When you see animals in nature- they are always perfectly proportioned. They aren't overweight or underweight. They naturally end up at their perfect weights as long as they aren't overfed by humans messing with their natural way of being. 


So, if all of this is the case- why aren’t we in our perfect bodies? The difference between us and animals- is that we have the ability to create with our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

They are the catalyst that tell your cells where to go and that create the bridge to get there. They act as attractors- rearranging your physical form. As magnetizers, they draw your body away from your perfect proportion, or away from it.

Changing your body is not going happen from a special diet or crazy exercise routine- the secret lies in the power of your own mind.

In terms of quantum physics- our observation changes the way electrons react- they will react based off the observers expectations. Our conscious choice is always the deciding factor for how that food is digested and what happens to it within your body. 

Our bodies are directly influenced by our thinking and emotions and will always MEET OUR EXPECTATIONS. So what do you expect to be true about your body?

What do you expect to happen when you eat bread and butter?

When we believe something is going to make us gain weight- it’s been proven that it is broken down differently in the body- and stored as fat.

Think of excess food as just sliding off you, being released, anything that is not needed is taken care of- effortlessly without you having to interfere with it. 

The amazing thing about our ability as humans- is we always have the power of choose consciously which thoughts we put into our minds and which ones we choose to focus on! This is our superpower! 

Think of yourself as a sculptor- and imprint the final image of what you desire to look like inside your mind- and then let your body do the rest. That is why visualization is so powerful, you are setting the “blueprint” for what your subconscious is creating.

Your thoughts are prophetic- they come alive and vibrate in your body- whatever you think about becomes a preview of what manifests- as your thoughts can rearrange matter.

Really get clear on how your thoughts are affecting your weight (because they all are). If you say to yourself "I’m going to gain weight just by LOOKING at that burger and fries” then you will. Beliefs are so strong- if you think a food will make you fat, it will. If you think a food will make you skinny- it will. (That is why my mantra whenever I eat Oreo's is.. Oreo's make me skinny!)

Researchers have found that by changing your thoughts- you can directly change your bodily symptoms.

Try saying things like “Everything I eat makes me lighter and lighter” See how that feels in your body. Whenever you direct your focus in that direction- energy starts moving towards that reality. It’s important to really feel that sensation of relief/lightness in your body- and bat away any negative thinking.

The thoughts you have about food are what making it fattening. There was a study done on people in their desired weight and they all had ONE THOUGHT IN COMMON:

(pay attention, because this is the only thought you need to adopt above all else)

They could eat whatever and whenever they wanted without gaining weight.

I know that I definitely adopted this belief- although when reading this book realized that I had introduced some more conditions like “only when I’m hungry, and not eating till I’m stuffed” she takes it next level by TRULY saying eat anything in any amount and you will not gain weight- it’s super fascinating.


To help you really get the concept that food is energy, think of food as if it were air. Air is light and permeable and has no apparent substance. You ingest it continuously in great quantities, and it just passes in and out of you unobstructed.

Food is a mindless,  neutral energy. You would never think air would cause you to gain weight. You simply take it in and release it while breathing, without attaching any other thoughts to it.

It is no accident that people who are thin take in and release food in the same way. They never think food will make them fat. They always tell you that no matter what they eat, they never gain weight and they don’t know where it goes. Therefore, release your consciousness from thoughts that are binding. Let food begin to flow in and out of you obstructed- like the air you breathe.

It’s your thinking and beliefs that cause food to stabilize as weight.

Without interference everything you eat can decompose really quickly. Become very aware of the thoughts you are choosing in your mind because they will quickly become your reality as it comes to food.

Every single thing is energy. Our bodies are energy, chocolate cake, an apple, a pet, a rock- it’s all energy directed by your MIND. Energy cannot think or have bad intentions.

Chocolate cake doesn’t decide to make one person gain weight, and the other person thin. Cake by itself, doesn’t make you do or be anything. It’s how we perceive these things which is how they are created in our bodies.

Your body is literally changing the atoms that become cells of your body every time you breathe in and out- and we have the power to start consciously creating new atoms and cells in this moment which will directly impact our bodies.

Let go go the old thought that your weight will never come off. Replace it with the fact of how changeable your body is- it’s constantly in a state of flux. Open yourself up the possibility that you do have control and ability to rearrange your figure by carefully choosing your beliefs.

I hope you are beginning to see that is is ALWAYS your thoughts creating your bodies and how you are viewing food that causes it’s reaction in your body.

But we aren’t strict enough on our thinking and thoughts we choose to take in. Instead of going on a diet- we need to go on a MENTAL diet where we get so firm on everything we choose to believe and DO NOT LET a negative, contradicting thought enter our brain.

The way to do that is to quickly brush them aside when they come- and come back to what you desire to be true- affirmations are powerful for this practice as you can’t think two thoughts at one time.

GET SO ALIGNED with the thoughts you desire to think- day in, and day out. This isn’t like a once and while type thing - we need to dominate our thinking with what we want, not what we don’t.

Visualize ALL food as neutral energy. Let go of all old perceptions and see all food as energy- light, and empty space that just eliminates the excess automatically and I guarantee you will see a difference in your body.


Come join me for exactly how to do this inside the Dream Body Reset Challenge starting June 16th, 2021!

Love, T


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!