Uncategorized May 11, 2021

In honour of my [free!] Quantum Leap week coming up May 17th-23rd, I wanted to share with you some of my top tips of how to make massive shifts happen in your life, quickly!

Make sure you register for this event, because it is going to PACKED with life changing hacks, inspiration, and motivation that absolutely has the capacity to change your entire life! You also get 8 days of free access to the Membership so you have all the tools at your disposal to create change, swiftly!

Here are the basics of just some of the things we will be covering in Quantum Leap Week, which all be live during the week!


One of the biggest things blocking us from all our desires, is that we are wishy-washy and wavering on what we want. We say we want something, but then we let our ego argue with us and tell us it's not possible, or all the reasons why we can't. We let our brains dictate where are going, when we haven’t firmly decided- and you cannot trust your brain to lead you in the right direction if you want to head somewhere different, because it’s always trying to keep you safe, and therefore- the same.

But when we DECIDE on something- we are no longer entertaining the possibilities against it. We are firmly focussed on our desire, we are only looking at the reasons why it IS possible, and we are no longer entertaining reasons why not. 

A firm decision is KEY in creating your Quantum Leap. I want you to firmly decide on what you desire with UNWAVERING faith. In order to become unwavering- we must be aware of our thoughts and continuously coming back to what we've decided. The arguments will probably be stronger at first- but the more we decide, decide, decide (sometimes hundreds of times a day!) the less your brain will argue with you, and the more you will notice it actually supporting you. And then the magic truly starts to happen, you'll start noticing more evidence to support your goals, opportunities coming to support what you desire, intuitive hits that are propelling you towards your goals. 

So, before we begin- we must DECIDE.

What do you want? What are you quantum leaping towards?

I have decided that Trev and I are getting the camper van of our dreams and going to go on so many adventures. This decision has already led to major changes- we've picked it out, we've put aside the money for the down payment, we've contacted the dealership, we've budgeted out the monthly financing. We've started planning the interior and the renovations, we've figured out where we will put it and how we will work on it. I made a vision board of my dream van and what it's going to look like. I've started visualizing every single day adventuring in that van- driving with the windows down with all of our pets and going to beautiful locations- waking up with beautiful views. It's all happening! 


A big focus that I'm bringing into this week for Quantum Leap Week is the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. This is the most powerful way to effect change in your life- because you entire life and everything in your reality is simply a "movie" projected out from your subconscious mind. Take a look around you, and you’ll see an exact replica of what your subconscious mind believes to be possible for you.

As you may know, the biggest part of our programming within our subconscious mind is happening from ages 0-7 years old when we are in a mostly alpha state and absorbing everything like a sponge. Even though society means well, it can impress upon our minds a lot of beliefs that no longer serve us as adults- lucky, we CAN change the subconscious mind!

How do you do that? I’ll be doing a deep dive into all of these methods during QLW, but here are some of my favourite methods to get you started.

-Autosuggestion with mantra’s/affirmations. The mind cannot think two thoughts simultaneously, so it’s up to us to conscious choose thoughts that are serving us, and a very effective way to do that is to have affirmations in our back pocket that you can repeat all day long, everyday to interrupt any negative thought spirals or patterns that start to arise. Not to mention, the subconscious loves repetition- so the more times you repeat this, the better!

-The subconscious thinks in present tense, so adding “now” to the end of your affirmation is a powerful way to get your subconscious working on your behalf. You also want to ensure that your affirmation feels GOOD when you say it. If you feel heavy, or negative when you say your affirmation- this is an important sign that you need to change it up, because you can say it all day long but if your mind isn’t on board, we aren’t going to be getting any results.

-The best way to create affirmations is to add a bridge such as “I am shifting into my dream body now” instead of “I am in my dream body now”. Or “I am worthy of my soulmate love story now” (this affirmation worked wonders for me! The next day I was on the phone with someone I had never met who lived across the country- and two weeks later we were engaged! Now I’m happy married and we are both living in my hometown with our three pets in a beautiful home. Changes can happen FAST when we penetrate the subconscious!) Or “I am perfectly imperfect” was a big one for my dream body as it allowed me to drop the comparison and judgement and negative stories I was telling on my body, and start leaning into acceptance- it was a huge piece of my 35lb weight loss and body transformation.

-If you need help with affirmations, this is something I do offer in my store. I’ll get a sense of all your goals, create all the affirmations that I believe will shift, get your approval, and then record them into a relaxing audio with alpha binaural beats that you can listen to every night as you fall asleep. Check out the Magical Mind Programming here, or record your own with my tutorial inside the Membership!

-Speaking of sleep, penetrating the subconscious mind is most powerful when we are in a sleepy state, ie: just before bed, or when we first wake up in the morning. This is one of the reasons why hypnosis is so powerful, it brings us into a sleepy relaxed state and essentially opens the “gateway” to the subconscious mind when it most easily impressed upon. Use this to your advantage by visualizing (down below my tips on visualization) or repeating your affirmation as you fall asleep, or check out my guided audio’s inside the Membership where I have 43 to choose from!! The time right before bed is the perfect time to do this! Use it to your advantage!

-Visualization: The subconscious best responds to images- especially images with emotion attached to them. Creating a 10-20 mind movie in our minds that represents the manifestation of what desire is SO POWERFUL for penetrating the subconscious mind. Then, adding in the emotion of how it would feel once it’s there, and getting clear on all the different aspects of the visualization with as much detail as possible (ie: what do you see, hear, smell, taste, touch?) is the best way to utilize this technique. I have a guided visualization meditation inside the Membership that takes you through each aspect of the visualization in your mind that is the perfect way to get super clear!

Also, this is where vision boards can be super helpful. I am also going to be chatting about this in Quantum Leap Week, or I have an entire Vision Board Workshop inside the Membership- but get on Pinterest and find photo's of the things you desire that light you up and make you excited- and put them somewhere you can see them day in, and day out! I have seen huge results from my vision boards and will always create them for the rest of my life because they are so much fun and make me so happy to look back on and see all the things that came true! 

-Repetition: This is key for impressing the subconscious. Set alarms, create schedules, get committed to this process- day in and day out; even when you don't feel like it. I like to keep it simple by having an alarm vibrate on my watch every hour- as a reminder to come back to my mantra and my focus. Whatever is the easiest way for you to have repetition- make sure you are utilizing that! 


You’ve already done the bulk of the work when you decided, and started really impressing the subconscious mind- and then we need to start taking some action. More and more ideas will flow to you as you continue to practice the work above, but in the meantime the best way to take action is to really think about- what do I need to to do prepare for this manifestation? Or, what would I be doing if this was already in my reality?

For example, I had a client that wanted to buy a house, but was nowhere near ready to do so. This is the biggest mistake we make, is waiting until we have the money, or are ‘ready’ to take action. Action leads to manifestation!! So I got her to meet with mortgage broker, figure out the exact steps needed to buy house, start attending open houses, look online for the houses she wanted, and just start BEING the version of her that was ready to buy house! Within a year she went from two maxed out credit cards and zero savings, to being a proud homeowner!

You don’t need to know all the steps along the way- you simply need to START. That’s why Trev and I started taking those action steps on the van- before we were ready. Hint: you will never be ready so the best way to GET ready is to start taking the action steps that signify it.

The universe will meet you more than halfway with every little action step you take. I have a client that wanted to become someone who loved working out in the mornings. She was definitely nowhere near there, but I told her it was never going to happen until she decided to start being that version of her. I just got off a coaching call with her and she said it’s literally crazy how now every morning, she just gets up and works out and looks FORWARD to it, and it’s become her identity after 30 years of thinking she hates working out and she’s not “one of those people”. It can shift so quickly as soon as you start taking action.

So, start creating a list of steps and what can you take action on right NOW? I don’t care if you aren’t ready- you will become ready as you start taking those action steps. Decide, and commit to your vision and get excited because this is where the true unfolding happens!


Here is where we can really f*ck up our manifestations. We start making progress, but the ego parts of us do not want to change, and it will find any excuse to berate your efforts and have you believe nothing is happening- which then, after the motivation wears off- has us right back where we started which is exactly what the ego wants.

The best way to counteract this is to keep track of every single tiny win that occurs- DAILY. You want to have a notes app on your phone and really celebrate every little win- because wherever your focus is - is what will continue to expand. I call it the snowball effect- tracking and celebrating those little wins, leads to MORE and even bigger wins, and more celebrations- and before you know it- you look back you are where you always envisioned yourself being- because you didn’t let that pesky ego get in your way.

Counteract self sabotage by focussing on the little things that are working, and I promise you will look back in amazement of all you have accomplished.

For example, I remember at the beginning of my dream body journey - celebrating when a binge become a little smaller. I could have fixated on the circumstance that I was still binging, which would have led to more binging, and kept me stuck. Instead, I got really excited when I left one spoon full of ice cream in the pint, because that was progresss. Or one Oreo in the bag. Before I knew it, I was binging less often and celebrating that! They kept getting smaller and smaller until these days- instead of leaving one Oreo in the packet, I can just eat one Oreo and move on with my life.

FIND ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO CELEBRATE- and this will snowball your results, guaranteed!

Those are my biggest steps for Quantum Leaping your life, and I hope you join me in QLW 2.0 coming up! I cannot wait to dive into ALL the epic hacks and manifestation tricks I have up my sleeve, and see you quantum leap your life with some incredible results in just one week!


Let’s go!!


Love, T


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!