Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

Hello everyone! Today I have some of my top journaling prompts for Manifesting MONEY- and I’ll be doing a series where I also dive into Dream Body, + Soulmate Love journaling prompts so stay tuned!

Also, get my free 10 Day Manifestation Journaling Challenge down below! 

If you love journaling, or want to get into journaling- my Daily Mindset Design is made for you! Every single day, I release a journaling prompt or specific mindset work in a wide variety of topics inside the Membership! You can try it for a week free, here.

At the time of writing this is currently 16 months available dedicated to a wide variety of topics- but if you are looking to Manifest Money- definitely check out the following Daily Mindset Designs inside (each one is 25-30 days long and filled with daily prompts and guidance!).

The 30 Day Money Challenge
Rich As F*ck
Unleash Your Inner Money Babe
Dream Life Creation

These will give you everything you need to start journaling your way to more abundance and a higher frequency around money; and meant to be done in 10 minutes a day!

When manifesting money- here is where I would start with some journaling…

First, 1.) What do you want? Get clear on the amount of money you desire, and then WHY you want it.

Get into the core reasons- the actual emotions you are seeking. What would you spend it on? What do you REALLY want? Because it’s never about the money- its about the feeling it gives us, or the physical items- and we forget that we can manifest all of these without the actual money even being needed!

So, continue asking yourself why, till you get the true, goosebump reason of why you desire that money.

2.) Why don’t I have this money now? This prompt is giving you clear access into your resistance- or the beliefs blocking your manifestations. You could have beliefs around the money available to you with your work, what you’ve experienced in the past, etc.

3.) With each reason- really examine it and ask if it is 100% true everywhere in the world (I know it’s your truth, but it’s time to create some new truths!) Really show your conscious mind that this doesn’t need to be your reality, you are simply choosing it. And then, what would you like to be true for you instead?

4.) What do I need to believe in order to be, do, have all of the things I desire?

5.) When do I feel the most abundant and “rich” regardless of having money? What activities am I doing? What thoughts am I thinking?

6.) How can I tap into that feeling more often?

7.) What does the feeling of overflow, and more than enough feel like in my body?

8.) How would I spend my days if I had more than enough money? What would change in my reality? What would I do differently? How would I show up differently?

9.) What is my current identity around money, and what would my identity be if I had more than enough? What is the difference? How can I start embodying the “rich identity” today?

10.) Where am I holding myself or feeling the most resistance around money?

11.) What physical action steps can I take TODAY to either make more money, or feel more abundant?

12.) What are my fears around actually having the money I desire? What bad things could happen if I had this money? (This is more insight into your subconscious blocks- even if they don’t make any logical sense, it’s important to address them!) Follow them up with the same thing we did in question #3.

13.) What would excite me the MOST about having more money? What is the first thing I would do? Tap into the desire and excitement of seeing your bank accounts grow!

14.) What if I already had it? How would I feel? What would I do today? How can I embody that energy?

I hope you enjoyed these journaling prompts! These will help you get clear on what’s blocking you, as well as embodying the energy of an abundance of money. The combination of releasing resistance, and feeling into the feelings of having our desires is what manifestation magic is made of!

Don’t forget to try a week free inside the Membership for an abundance of journaling prompts, hypnosis and meditation recordings, and tons of video lessons and mini courses of manifesting money!


Love, Tara

Ps. If a Membership isn't your thing... Check out The Manifestation Essentials! This is a curated selection of the BEST manifestation content and teachings found inside. For $77 you'll get...

- A Daily Mindset Design that will take you through 30 days of manifestation + mindset processes for 10 minutes a day.
- 5 Meditation/Hypnosis Recordings
- The Expanded Training: My most popular 3 Day Video training teaching you how to elevate your energetic signature.
- Monthly Intentions Masterclass: My monthly intention setting PDF booklet with a masterclass teaching you all about the power behind it!
- Quantum Leap Week: 7 Days of high energy videos + content teaching you how to quantum leap and align with the next level version of you! 


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!