The Key to Changing EVERYTHING

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2021

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I want you to recognize that you are the centre of your own, personal, universe. 

Does that sound egotistical? It’s true though! Everything that surrounds you, comes into your reality, and will come into your reality- is influenced by your energy. People, experiences, things- it’s all a vibrational match one way or another.

If that kind of freaks out and triggers you around negative things- I hope to empower you and help you recognize that regardless of what your current circumstances are- they are truly in the past.

Current circumstances = Past Thoughts/Fears/Feelings

But you have the ability always, right now- to start choosing differently. To the use the power of your mindset to start choosing new perspectives, to start feeling lighter, to start changing whatever it is you desire.

Think of yourself right now, as being seated in the eye of a tornado. Perhaps life right now feels completely out of your control and it’s swirling around you wildly. You cannot grasp anything, it’s all moving too fast. You feel powerless & overwhelmed against this immense tornado surrounding you. If you try to reach out and change something, you get completely swept up in its wake. If you try to out run it through action- it keeps on coming.

This is where we go wrong. The more we try to grasp and change the external (ie: trying to reach out of the eye and into the tornado to make a change = taking action externally trying to change how things are) the worse things get. We get up swept right up into the circumstances, thrown into negative thought patterns, back into feeling helpless. We are now being thrown around the tornado instead of calming remaining in the eye.

What I really want you to learn, is that you are at your MOST POWERFUL when you stay in the eye of the tornado.

And then your power is truly ignited when you recognize that your ENERGY can easily influence the tornado, and bring it down, down, down - into whatever weather pattern you desire.

This applies to everything. Your energy and the perspective you choose are influencing whether the tornado rages on, or shifts into what you desire.

Your energy and the perspective you choose are influencing people around you, experiences, everything.

It’s like how a dog or baby will react to someones energy - they can sense the subtle vibrations of intention and energy.

You can influence your energy intentionally through choosing new thoughts that feel differently.
Through practicing remaining in the eye of the tornado instead of attempting to jump out and trying to grasp and change things externally.
Through practicing holding a different frequency - which then eliminates the tornado.

Because when something is no longer a vibrational match for you- it simply falls away. There’s no need to fixate on it or change it- that’s only remaining in the energy of it (and attracting more of it).

But when you shift your frequency into something different, something you desire- new things start appearing. You stay in the eye of the storm and start picturing and feeling sunshine. Slowly but surely that tornado will be replaced with sunshine. It very likely won’t happen at all once, but you will start to see snippets of sunshine through the tornado. And the more you focus on the sunshine, the more it will grow. The tornado will gently fall away as you continuously hold the frequency + focus on what you desire.

I hope this analogy is making sense, lol but when I’m trying to get across here is- stay in the eye of the storm and go WITHIN

Shift your circumstances from within. Start feeling different first- and everything will adjust accordingly. Change your concept of self, and your circumstances- and everything will start to match these changes.

Everything is reflecting YOU. Take your power back!

Here’s how people typically manifest: Instead of focussing on and feeling the sunshine (before it exists.. remember faith is holding a vibration without having any evidence yet) they sit there and focus on the tornado and how much it sucks. They think about how cold, windy and grey it is. They think they want sunshine for a fleeting second and then think “but that’s impossible I’m stuck here in a tornado”. They consistently focus on what they DON’T want and how much they resent it for being there! And then they try to take action to compensate and try to outrun the tornado through action- but it just keeps on following them everywhere they go because they are still a vibrational match for it.

Okay, enough with the tornado analogy even though it’s really good.

Let’s apply this to real life.

Sometimes it can be easier to first identify what isn’t working and how you want it to change.

For example: My bank account isn’t where I desire it to be, and I want to have x amount in savings.

Then, you start to subtly change your vibration by feeling the feelings of how it would feel if you had x amount in savings.

How would you think, how would you feel, how would you view yourself?

Then, PLEASE- stop talking about how it isn’t where you want it to be.
Stop fixating on the current circumstances.

Stop taking action based off where you are, and start feeling where you want to be and if there is action to be taken it will feel natural and inviting and obvious.
As much as humanly possible- place yourself in the feelings of it already being done- and live your life from this state.

This is the whole game of mindset. This is where the “work” comes in with manifestation. Practicing feeling the feelings. Catching yourself when you are fixated on how it is. Always shifting- shifting perspectives, shifting thoughts, shifting your frequency.

And if this sounds like a lot of work- it can be at the beginning. But I promise you it is so much easier than attempting to outrun that tornado for the rest of your life.

The minute you begin to master your inner state- is when life gets really, really FUN. It gets playful. You feel powerful. You know you can shift your energy regardless of what’s happening around you.

THIS IS TRUE MANIFESTATION. The ability to shift how you feel, BEFORE the manifestation appears.

This is true emotional intelligence and power. Imagine, if you could live the rest of your life knowing that you truly can handle whatever comes your way? That you can feel reassured in that, even if undesirable things happen, you always have the secret to turning them into desirable things? This is something that can never be taken from you, it’s always available to you, and you can continuously practice and fine tune it.

This is why I love love mindset and manifestation so much. It’s about going within and then seeing it reflected in your reality and feeling that sense of accomplishment in knowing that YOU did that!

And it’s a continuous never-ending dance. We are here to evolve, grow, and continue expanding. We aren’t here to manifest one thing and call it a day. The entire point of our existence is evolution. We are here to expand into greater happiness, health, and wealth and keep expanding until we die.

So when you master the dance, and start playing with your evolution in this way- it turns life into one, big joyful experiment- that reaps serious rewards.

Which is why I created the Dream Life(time) Bundle- a lifetime of manifestation practices and fine tuning to help you to continue to evolve into greater and greater heights. As I continue to expand & continue to create content- and you’ll have immediate access to it all, forever.

Because you are never done- you are just getting started.

Join me on this journey of evolution and expansion into greater and greater heights- let’s do it together.


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