Intuitive Eating + Manifestation =
Dream Body

During this training you will learn:

-The top mindset shifts that completely transformed my body (and life!) and resulted in a 40lb weight loss and healing from a 17 year long binge eating disorder. 

-How to release limiting beliefs that are blocking your results and keeping you stuck, for good!

-Why your beliefs are shaping your body, and simple subconscious reprogramming hacks to start changing them now for effortless weight loss.

-How to utilize manifestation in the path to your dream body for easy and aligned results!

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About Your Teacher...

Tara spent 17 years struggling with binge eating, and was on a never-ending rollercoaster of extreme diets and workout regimes. 

She tried absolutely everything- and finally discovered Intuitive Eating. This was one piece of the puzzle, but once she combined it with specific mindset & manifestation techniques- she effortlessly morphed into her dream body, losing 40+lbs and healing her binge eating disorder along the way.

Now she lives in her dream body with total food freedom and ease, and is teaching women everywhere how to do the same.


I feel so much better. 
Food wise, I am not obsessing anymore.

I'm dropping weight at a speed like it's unbelievable- I don't really understand how.

I've come to a place where I don't hate my body anymore, and I am able to look at myself in the mirror and think I look great. 

I'm losing so much weight that my jeans are falling off!
I'm enjoying life, dealing with food is so much easier since I don't restrict myself anymore! I eat anything, stop when I'm full and life has been good!

I wanted to thank you so much because I feel so blessed to have met you through Facebook and Instagram. I think you are a great great person and you are doing really great out there. 


This is a brilliant programme. Yesterday I hit my lowest weight since my teens (I am now 53) I feel so free, just enjoying life and taking each day as it comes. I loved throwing out everything I have ever read/heard and making my own rules. So much fun!

I trust my body and I have learned to listen to my hunger signals, took ages for my satiety signal to kick in and it's not yet perfect but I try again the next day and don't let myself get guilty or worse yet punish myself for it.

You won't be disappointed. It's not a quick fix but a permanent solution”