Uncategorized Jun 23, 2021

I’ve recently been diving into learning all about NLP and changing the brain (which of course, is hugely important in Manifesting your Dream Body!) and I wanted to share this practice that I put together to increase your Self Esteem and self perception around your body.

When you can change how you view and think about your body- you start immediately changing your results.

Your body isn’t created from the food you are feeding it, but rather the thoughts you are feeding it.

This NLP Practice has been proven to raise self esteem and self appreciation- two key things that will speed up your dream body journey tenfold!

Try listening to this daily (podcast episode HERE with guided meditation) until you feel a shift. It may only take once, or it may take two or three times.

Practice getting into was much vivid detail as you can, and you WILL dramatically change the way your brain operates and start seeing a huge shift in how you view your body, and then inevitably- how it looks!

Your self image is determine your results- and quite literally the way you see yourself when you think of YOU - is they key into recognizing your self image, and then changing it.

Feel free to read along with this exercise, or listen to the podcast episode here where I take you through it in a meditation!

For all my meditations, hypnosis recordings and NLP Practices in one spot- check out the TBM Membership- there are 50 guided meditations and counting (new meditation/hypnosis recording added every week)

Get somewhere quiet, and try this practice down below:

1. Self-Image. Take a moment to get an image of yourself and your body in your mind’s eye. Just think of what you look like. Is the image large, bright and intense? Or is it small, dimmer, and muted? See your body from an outsiders perspective and notice the form of this image specifically- whether it’s closer or farther away, if it’s distorted, just notice all the little details.

2. Adjust Content. Is the content positive or negative? First, we are going to change the content to positive. Look for any physical distortions and instead see yourself as you really are- from a neutral perspective.

Notice anything in that image that seems negative, and change it into a positive representation by thinking of a more positive aspect of what you see represented.

For instance, if you see your thighs as too big, and the meaning of this could be that you are overweight or not in your ideal body…. Change the perception of your thighs to strong. Take note of all the things you can do with these thighs and all the incredibl journey’s they have taken you on thus far in life.

If you see your stomach as chubby or see loose skin- change the perception to recognize all the ways your stomach as taken care for you. All the meals it’s digested, all the food it’s taken care of. Perhaps the beautiful baby it carried. Or all the joy it’s experienced in delicious meals with family/friends.
Do this for each part of that you see in a negative light- find some perception shift that can start changing the self image in that areas.

Make the  content of your self-image into a positive and accurate representation of your strong points, your best skills, attitude, and abilities. See yourself looking whole and complete, as you look when you have just accomplished a strongly desired goal.

3. Adjust Form. Now allow this self-image to become a large, bright, close, 3-D colorful movie of yourself. And watch it mould and shift into your ideal image. You are are still watching this from an outsiders perspective. See your dream body right in front of you in move form See yourself experiencing life in your dream body. What are you doing?
Take note of all the details of this body- and make it a beautiful, powerful picture that you can really sense the happiness and joy within this version of you. The more vivid the better. Add positive compelling music to this movie you are watching. See yourself in your dream body- experiencing life to the fullest.

4. Now, you are going to merge with this version of you. Walk towards this ideal version of you- and then come together as one through the screen. You are stepping into their body, becoming one with this most ideal version of you. Feel how this body feels. Notice how it moves. Tap into the emotion of living in this body for the rest of your life- easily, and effortlessly.
You are, at this moment- the perfect energetic match for this dream body. It lives within you and you can access it at anytime. The more you can embody and be this version of you- the faster you will see it reflected in your current reality.

Come back to the present, now- and know that you have merged with this dream body version of you. It’s simply a matter of time until you experience this reality. Practice living from this place, and feeling these emotions as much as possible!

If you are ready to truly step into your dream body and have all the tools, and support to do it- Manifesting Dream Body is available as an evergreen course anytime. It’s 10 Weeks of incredible live lessons, meditations, homework and practices to allow you to find food freedom, body love- and step into your dream body for the rest of your life- effortlessly!


Love, Tara


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!