Uncategorized May 14, 2021

To easily re-program your mind in the space of a week- Check out my FREE Quantum Leap Week Event, which you can access anytime!

 Here's a sneak peek of all the goodies inside and some success stories from last round!

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If you've been in the manifestation world for awhile, you probably understand that Thoughts Become Things.

While this sounds awesome in practice- what about when you can't seem take control of those pesky thoughts and you seem to keep manifesting the things you DON'T want?

This is a common problem in the manifestation world, and I have the solution for you!

The easiest way to start re-programming your mind is to hit the subconscious. This is where about 90-95% of your power is coming from, and all too often we try to use our teeny little conscious minds to overpower the subconscious- and this truly isn’t possible.

That’s why we can have the best intentions, journal our hearts out, and say affirmations all day long- but until you program that subconscious you are just putting a bandaid on a bullet wound so to speak.

There are several ways to re-program the subconscious mind, and just to make sure you get MASSIVE results- I’m hitting all of them in Quantum Leap Week!

HYPNOSIS: I’ve created a custom Quantum Leap Hypnosis that will penetrate the subconscious mind, reset your brain- and program it for success. For best results, listen at least three times throughout the course of Quantum Leap Week.

NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING:  NLP can help you reprogram your pattern of thoughts.  We experience life through our five main senses, and the brain makes its own neurological path through these experiences and registers it within the subconscious. When we connect to these through specific exercises - we can re-write old programs that are no longer serving us, and program in the ones that desire for more success, happiness, and fulfillment!

ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY: Ever heard of EFT Tapping? EFT is a simple way to stimulate energy points in the body- it’s believed to release blockages of energy in the meridian points to help increase the flow and balance out your energy. I’ve created a Quantum Leap Tapping session that you will have access to throughout QLW- to give you that extra boost towards programming the mind in a safe and effective way!

JOURNALING: Journal is a subconscious activity- because when we are writing we have activated the subconscious through the very act of picking up the pen and writing on the page. I’ll be providing specific journaling prompts and activations that will allow you to gain clarity, receive answers and next steps, and help you connect with your intuition in an entirely new way.

BINAURAL BEATS: Binaural beats is an audio track with specific beats to stimulate different brain waves. We can use binaural beats to drop our brain into an alpha or theta state- where the subconscious mind takes over and is more easily suggestible. I’ve used my favourite binaural beat as a backtrack to your Hypnosis and EFT Tapping videos to take it that extra level and help you see even faster results.

REPETITION: The subconscious loves repetition- and the more we can access a simple phrase or mantra the better. Inside QLW I’ll teach you the most effective way to create affirmations that actually feel TRUE so you can get your subconscious mind on board effortlessly without resistance. I’ll also be giving you some homework to check in with around mantra’s and my top tips for easy reminders and to come back to them again and again, so you can re-program you mind and see results!

What are you waiting for? Sign up now AND get access to the ENTIRE Membership while you are enjoying QLW! If you are feeling stuck, or want to speed up your manifestations- this is definitely going to quantum leap you to your next level!

See you on the inside,



Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!