Uncategorized Feb 22, 2021

Hello Projector, you shining light you! 

Check out all my Projector Resources inside the Membership with a FREE week! Inside you'll find the following Projector Goodies: (Just join, and then click this link to be taken straight there). 

- 30 Day Human Daily Mindset Design
-Projector Bitterness Loop
- Q + A on Social Media, Self Worth, Growing a business
-7 Day Projector Challenge + PDF Guide
-Entrepreneur as a Projector/Invitations/Eating with Open Centres
-Q + A on.... Rest vs. Procrastination, Receiving Mode, Deconditioning, Thriving Business as a Projector, Emotional Projectors, Launching/Love/Productivity + More!
-Q + A on Tipping Point in Business, Client Attraction, Emotions of others, Productivity, Open Centres
-The Projector Paradigm Experience
-Projectors + Self Worth/Self Esteem leading to Abundance
-Projector Challenge 2.0 with 3 Additional Videos!
-Building Momentum + Becoming Magnetic as a Projector!
-Wealth Themes + Abundance Keys
-Q + A: Money, Splenic Projectors, Alignment, Goal Setting, Being "too much", Socializing, Where to Start, + Working 4 Hours a Day?

I see you... feeling a huge sense of relief when you discover you are a Projector and now everything makes a whole lot more sense.

I see you... Going down the rabbit hole of human design and also feeling very frustrated by the vagueness of “wait for the invitation”.

I see you... stuck between societies norms and wanting to really live by your design, but HOW? And is it even realistic?

I see you googling endlessly for answers on how to make this work, with a deep sense of knowing there is a more aligned way of life; whilst being bombarded by messaging from all the generators and manifestors in the world.

I see you... I was you! When I found out I was a Projector, I felt massive relief, followed by confusion and uncertainty. Knowing deeply that you can’t go back to how you were living before, but stuck on the in between of how the heck do I apply this?

That’s where I come in. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’ve bought every book and course I can find on being a Projector- but still came up short on how to make it applicable- until I started my own Projector Project and decided to live by it- no matter what.

Over the last several months, I found my footing, and I also created all the tools you need to apply it to your own daily life so you can create effortless results through following your strategy and authority.

Knowledge is great, but application is where the real magic happens and that is where I shine. In Projectors Getting Paid I will break it all down for you, with the steps and aligned actions made for Projectors, by a Projector.

The search is over. Come join us inside Projectors Getting Paid, and within 4 weeks you will be thriving in an entirely new way and feel confident living by your design.

This is where massive success and naps co-exist. Where productivity is given a new meaning. Where you get paid for being truly YOU.

I formally invite you into the perfect container to put it all together- and get all the answers you’ve been searching for.

And here's a sneak peek into the amazingness inside with some applicable action steps!

Week 1: Energetics of Money
Money isn't an action game, it's an energy game! Here's a simple tip to figure out where your dominant point of attraction is around money right now- when you think of the topic what are the first 3 emotions that hit you? Do you feel worried, uncertain, lack? Or do you feel rich, excited, and abundant?

Your first three emotions are your dominant vibration and this is the state you are attracting from! So, write those down. 

Then, it's time to shift! How do you WANT to feel around money?

Take these new emotions, one at at time- and do this journaling exercise. Let's say you choose overflow, easy, and excited.

Write for as long as it takes to FEEL each emotion in your body (that's how you know you've really shifted your vibration). Practice this whenever needed to get back into the flow and start attracting from a new place!

OVERFLOW around money feels like... more than enough. It feels like I can purchase anything I want, anytime. It feels like so much money in savings, PLUS everything I could ever want! It feels like there is always more flowing in. It feels like so much confidence and ease. It feels like saying yes to everything because I know there is always more. It feels like opening my account and seeing more than I even realized was there. It feels like generosity and giving to whomever I want. I feels like abundance! 

EASE around money feels like... no stress. Like it's so simple and automatic and just already done. It feels like everything flows. It feels like I've got it nailed down for life. It feels like constant and never ending flow- in and out. It feels like pride when I chat with my accountant. It feels like simplicity and fun! 

You get the gist? Write out how it feels, FEEL it in your body, experience the emotion and know that when you are there- you are officially attracting from a new place and already creating significant change! 

Week 2: Gene Keys + G-Centre
I had so many enormous breakthroughs when I started diving into my gene keys!! There is going to be a hugely detailed module on this inside the course, but for today let's chat G-Centre- this is where your can really focus in on that money and what needs to shift! 

Take a look at your G-Centre! Think of it as your magnet- that is basically the hub of all law of attraction. Drawing in experiences, people, places to ensure we are learning our lessons and living the highest expression of the G Centre.

If you are looking to draw in more abundance into your life- look at your G-Centre and see if any of these following gates are coloured in. These are your abundance keys, and where you want to focus the most.

But getting the most out of all of the following areas is important for your manifestation process!


How authentically you are expressing yourself in your life.

Journaling Prompt: Have you learned to express yourself authentically (and not judge yourself because of it)?

Action Step: Before putting things out there- ask yourself "Is this coming from an authentic and loving place?" (Or is it coming from fear/lack)

If you have a business: ask yourself that question before you post online, go on video, or create a new course. Are you being truly authentic in your expression?


How much do you believe you deserve the resources you need to fulfill your destiny?

Action Step: Check in- do you feel you are worthy of what you are charging (or what you are receiving?). Do you feel worthy of MORE? Where do you need to recognize your worth? 

Journaling Prompt: Do you believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, and will be able to manage it well?


How powerful do you feel in creating your dream life? 

Action Step: Rate each of these area's 1-10 in how powerful you feel (10 being very powerful). This could be in your family life, your friendships, your business. 

1- Ability to communicate responsibilities when in a leadership role

2- Ability to attract loyal and potential clients/friends/business partners.

3- Ability to accept judgement and critique and use it constructively?

4- Ability to take on differing roles as needed

5- Ability to lead by serving the will of the majority 

6- Ability to guide with authority 

Journaling Prompt: What area ranked lowest? How can you really develop your power in this area in your daily life?

GATE 10 - LOVE OF SELF. How much do you love yourself?

Action Step: Start writing (every single day) reasons why you love yourself! Show yourself love in any ways that you can imagine- whether that is through self care, delicious food, or honouring commitments to yourself. 

Journaling Prompt: How can I really up myself LOVE every single day?


How much have you released the pain of the past and found the blessings?

Action Step: Make a list of all the experiences and people (and situations involving yourself) that you are still holding onto pain around and need to forgive (either them, or yourself). 

Try this forgiveness exercise with each one:

Focus on just one person or event for this exercise.

1.) Set the scene, see yourself in the situation, or the person that you are working on forgiving.

2.) Feel the anger and pain. (For no more than 2 minutes approximately) It's even great to let it out with yelling or pounding a pillow, or crying it needed! Let the emotions flow.

3.) Forgive into love: Ask yourself, what did I learn from this? How did this situation make my life better? What would have happened in the past for this person to hurt me (or me to hurt this person if forgiving yourself).

Feel into it until you feel that sense of relief. Again, it may take a few times to feel complete forgiveness- but that's okay! A little bit at a time, you'll feel it slowly fade away. 

15 - LOVE OF HUMANITY: How much your choices are not only good for you, but benefit humanity.

Journaling Prompt: Write a list of all your desires, and then take each one and note how it would benefit you, and how it would benefit everyone around you. Ex: I want a Range Rover. That would benefit me, in that it would create a massive feeling of success and pride that would inspire my clients in creating their dream life. It would give me comfort, luxury and excitement around my business! It would benefit those around me who I can drive around in my beautiful car, who can feel free to chase after their own desires too.

(I chose a more "shallow" one on purpose so you can see that no matter what, your desires benefit everyone!)

Second Journaling Prompt: What are all the choices I've made in the past that have turned out to really benefit those around me?

25 - Love of Spirit: How much do you trust spirit as the source of everything you desire in your life? 

Journaling Prompt: Do I trust that a higher power can provide me with all the invitations, and opportunities I need to fulfill my life purpose?

Action Step: Get connected. Meditate daily. Tap into your intuition, your connection with source. I like to do a Q + A with my journal where I ask a question and let the answer flow from me.

46 - Embodiment: How physically vital you feel and how grounded you feel in your body. Do you celebrate life and appreciate what your physical body can do?

Action Step: Get grateful for your body every damn day, especially when moving it! When doing exercise or any type of moment- check in with your body. Where do you feel it? How does it feel? What are the sensations occurring in your body?

Journaling Prompt: Make a list of all the things you love and appreciate about your body, and read it everyday! 

Additional work for the open G-Centres: Open G-Centres don't have a clear personality and an inherent sense of direction. It is particularly important for you to be grounded within your strategy and authority to avoid manipulation from others and open conditioning. The Not Self Talk of the open G may sound like "Who am I? Where should I go to find out who I am? Who can show me? Who am I going to love? Who is going to love me? What am I going to do with my life? Is it here? Is it there? Do I feel lost?" 

Journaling Prompt for Open G Centres- How can you get comfortable with the openness of your design, and realize your unique way of being? How can you focus in on self love, no matter 'who' you are that day?

Love, Tara 


Watch the free, Manifesting Dream Body Masterclass!

Learn how your beliefs shape your body and how to combine intuitive eating with mindset and manifestation principles for effortless results!