Uncategorized May 06, 2021

I've been feeling super inspired lately after listening to a great audiobook "Living With A Navy Seal" and realizing that my goals have all been a little lacklustre lately.

If you want to get intentional, try the 10 Day Journaling Manifestation Challenge down below!

I was setting intentions for my business, but not really following them through- and realizing that I was going about my goals all wrong. I recreated my process and make my Intention Setting workbook (which you can find for free HERE, or read the blog post HERE).

Since I went through that workbook, I feel a new fire lit underneath me and realizing that my vision is far greater than just growing up business (although that's definitely part of it ,and I have big goals in that regard!). 

It got me thinking... What is your version of GREATNESS? 

When you are on your deathbed, what will cause you to look back on your life and think "I accomplished everything I wanted and I lived a life I am proud of"

For me, it's about challenging myself everyday- physically and mentally. It's about stretching myself to be a better version of myself- me, against me.

It's about more adventures and quality time with my family. I used to hole myself up in my laptop for most of the day, exhausting myself working on my business- and letting my marriage and relationships sit on the back burner. They were good, but they weren't GREAT.

I want to be a better friend, and more reliable person, someone who inspires others to push past what society deems as "acceptable" and really step into their greatness.

My new fitness goals aren't about attaining the perfect body, but pushing myself to move past what's "possible" and take it to the next level- challenging myself to see what I can do.

It's about moving away from my ego, and moving towards love and acceptance- while challenging myself to go for more.

It's about truly living the JOURNEY, not just anxiously awaiting the destination (because, let's be honest; every destination just leads to a new one).

It's about being creative, following what I love, and creating content and work that I am so proud to put out there. 

It's about keeping promises to myself, and to others.

It's about moving through fear, and doing it anyway.

It's about encouraging others and challenging them to see their true potential. 

It's about having an incredible marriage and fully embracing every single day.

When Trev and I got married, my best friend Lauren gave a speech and it still makes me cry every time I watch it. She said "Tara, you always need to honour Trevor's love of adventure" and in the first few months of our marriage I was too focussed on myself to worry about adventures. I always thought- tomorrow we will go do that hike, or go on that date- but then I looked back and those "tomorrow's" really added up!

Since I had that realization, I make plans for today. When we see something we want to do- we make a plan to do it as soon as possible.

When I have a huge goal in my mind, instead of pushing it off to the next year- I want to schedule it for THIS one. 

In your version of greatness, what are you pushing off to tomorrow?

What are you waiting for? 

I spent WAY too long waiting for my perfect body to live life. It wasn't until I got to my heaviest and realized that I had been postponing my entire life until I was thin, that I finally decided to just go for it. I started dating at my heaviest. I launched my personal training business at my heaviest. Thank god I did- because when I started LIVING the life I had dreamed of for when I was thin- the body came effortlessly. I ran a marathon, I got engaged, I opened a gym. The weight fell off when I was no longer waiting for it to.

Most recently I was waiting for "the energy" to come- but I wasn't doing anything about it- except napping a lot more lol (which is still a sacred activity that I love). So when I set my intentions for the month I decided to start doing the things that I would do if I had more energy- and wouldn't you know it- more energy is flooding in by the day. Trev and I are committed to hikes every Saturday in a new location, and mountain biking together on Sundays. The more intentional I am about my time and energy- the more energy I have.

What is your version of greatness?

What are you waiting for?

What would you be doing if you stopped waiting? Go do THAT.

If you want all the wisdom and mindset work to help you tackle your version of greatness, check out my Membership that is updated daily with the Daily Mindset Designs, new inspiring livestreams, new meditations, and self development work that will take you from waiting to DOING. 

See you in there! 

Love, T



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